Chapter 14: Spending Some More Time With Ayame

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Note: Another chapter? Wow, I actually finished another one :D

Dusk's (Khonsu) POV

I was walking in front of the girls with my hands in my pockets. 'What an interesting morning it has been...' I thought to myself as I kicked a pebble on the round, I unclipped my water bottle that I brought that was clipped onto the other side of my belt that also held the sheathed katanas and took a swig. We then reached the entrance and like the gentleman I am, I held the door for the girls. "Arigatou!" Each of them said as they entered. It was a long line, but I was used to it. I then made my way in and then I saw the Holostars waiting but they were all bundled in the corner of the room with Susei still drinking her ringo, but then Susei looked over at them and then she crushed her juice box in fury. She then made her way over to them. She winded her arm and I had to intercept before anything goes wrong or someone gets hurt because someone is definitely going to get knocked out.

"Hey, hey, that's enough." I said as I walked between them, Susei then calmed down. "Fine." She said as she looked at her crushed ringo sadly. I then sighed and threw her another one that I grabbed for me. "Here you go, Susei." I said as I threw it, Susei caught it happily. "Another one? Dusk, you're so kind!" She said happily as she poked the straw through that one. 'What is this girl with ringos?' I thought, but at least she is happy. "A-arigatou, Dusk." The Holostars said, "Oh yeah, no problem." I said, we then did our usual routine of going up the elevator, but this time is going to be a little different.

Once me and the Holostars got out of the elevator, I immediately went straight to Ayame who was still clinging onto Mio. She blushed when she saw me make my way towards her which was a bit strange, "Hey Ayame, are you ready for your lesson?" I bent down a little so I was eye level with her. "S-sou!" She tried to sound confident, "Hai, well let's go then." I said, "You girls all good? Do you need anything?" I asked them, "No, we are all good. Arigatou." They said, "Hai, then we will be going now." I said as I made my way to Mio, I kissed her forehead. "Do your best.." I winked at her, she then blushed but smiled at me. "I will!" She said, "Good, Ayame let's go." I said to her and made my way towards the exit. "Hai!" She said and followed me, we took the elevator down together and then walked out of the building.

We then walked to the field near the little lake next to the building. "All right, so first let's get stretched out real quick." I suggested, "Hai!" She said and we stretched our legs, arm, wrist, and waist. We then unsheathed our katanas, "Okay Ayame, if you can show me your very best today I will start teaching you with two katanas." I said as I got into my stance, "Hai!" She said excitedly as she got into her stance as well. We then stared each other down and waited for someone to make the first move, we stood there for about a minute and Ayame started to get impatient and made the first move. She dashed at me and started to pressure me, she kept her strokes fast, powerful, but simple. "Good." I complimented her as I blocked her attacks.

She kept on pressuring but I held my stance and she clashed her katana into mine and we held each other off while looking at each other. Her red eyes seem to grow brighter and she had a little smile on her face. "You're getting better." I said to her while her katana still clashed into mine, "Arigatou, Dusk." She said back and I put a little pressure into our hold and knocked her off balance, but she quickly stabilized herself with her foot before I could make a move. I then dashed at her quickly and started the play offense, she was a little caught off guard at how fast I moved towards her, but quickly blocked my attack.

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