Chapter 20: A Mall Trip! Again...

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Note: Again, sorry that I am not updating as much as I use too. I am dealing with everyday things so I may be a little busy. No worries though, I gave you guys a longer chapter this time uwu

Dusk's (Khonsu) POV

I just sat there, still a little flustered at the sudden action of Kuro-chan. Nana was trying to stifle her laughter, which she failed horribly. I then sighed and then took a sip of my tea. I then looked at Kuro-chan, I then studied her closer. Kuro-chan made eye contact with me and blushed, "D-Dusk? What are you looking at?" She asked. I then grabbed her face and leaned closer, "Dusk?!" Nana exclaimed. "Kuro-chan? Did you get any sleep last night?" I said as I saw some bags under her eyes. Kuro-chan then looked away without answering, I then sighed and shook my head. "Kuro-chan, you have to get sleep, you know?" I said, she then nodded. "Get some sleep, come on." I said as I signaled her to follow me. She tilted her head, but followed me anyway. "We'll be right back." I told Nana and she nodded. I then led her to my room, "Why are you leading me to your room?" She asked me as she leaned against my shoulder.

I then picked her up and set her on my bed, "Get some sleep. Once you feel better, we can talk." I said as I covered her. Kuro-chan then nodded tiredly, I then turned around and right as I got ready to walk out, Kuro-chan grabbed my hand. "Hm?" I said as I turned around, "C-Could you stay with me?" She asked, "Why?" I smirked, "You scared?" I added. "No! It's not like I would like your comfort or anything!" She said, "See? You don't want my comfort." I said, "Mou! I order you to stay here!" She ordered, "Hai." I said as I pulled a chair next to the bed. "No, you have to sit on the bed with me." She ordered right as I was about to sit down, "Hai?" I said as I pushed the chair away and sat on the bed, with Kuro-chan sitting back up and leaning her head against my shoulder.

I then put an arm around her and patted her head. She then snuggled closer to me, to the point she was sitting on my lap. "Never thought you would be a cuddly one." I teased her, "Urusai..." She said quietly and I slowly rocked her back and forth. I then felt her breathing become steady and her body relaxed. She then fell asleep on me and I tried to set her down, but she then groaned and latched onto me tighter. I then sighed, 'This is not good' I thought to myself as I realized I fell for her trap. I tried to unlatch her hands, but then then gripped onto me even tighter, not wanting to let go. I then tried to think of another way to get Kuro-chan off of me.

Nana's POV

Dusk has been gone for around 10 minutes now and now I became curious what was taking him so long just to put Kuro-chan in bed. I then decided to check on them, I then quickly walked over to Dusk's room and opened the door. I then saw Dusk trying to pry off a sleeping Kuro-chan. He then looked up at me and then gave me a looked that both translated to "Help me" and "Don't ask". I then giggled as I slowly walked over to and gently pried off Kuro-chan's hand off of Dusk. After her hands were off, Dusk layed her back down and tucked the blanket close to her. Dusk then got up and looked at me, shocked. I just gave him a smile, Dusk then put a hand on my back and guided me out of the room. After we were out of the room, Dusk looked at me again. "How did you do that?" He asked me, "A mama never reveals her secrets." I said smugly and Dusk just sighed.

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