Chapter 23: 10k Special!!! Flashback and Memories

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Note: So here we are, the 10k special! Thank you guys so much! (Sorry no pictures this time)

Mio's POV


"And that is how you would do calculus." Mrs. Azuki set down the chalk. I adjusted my glasses as I finished taking down notes and doing some of the problems. Khonsu was doing the same, except that he seemed a little annoyed. "Hey, what's wrong." I tapped his shoulder, "Oh, it's nothing. Calculus is a little confusing, so I was just looking to see if I did it right." He looked at me. "Oh, you want to check answers?" I asked him, "Sure." He replied. We checked our answers and we both got the same answers. "Yatta, we got the same answers!" I said quietly, he then smiled at me and chuckled silently. "Yatta!" He replied back. "That's it for today, remember to do the homework I assigned you and have fun in science class!" Mrs. Azuki exclaimed and everyone got up and gathered their stuff to leave math class.

Khonsu and I departed from the classroom and went to our lockers. "Khonsu, do you want to come over and do our homework together?" I asked, "Of course!" He accepted the invitation and I felt happy. "And after we finish our homework, I can take you out if you are free." He said casually and I blushed. "H-h-hai." I said and he laughed. He then booped my nose and went to science class. "Neee!" I pouted and I quickly followed him. For science, we did some experiments, for english we just practiced some words, but I barely understood anything. Khonsu got the hang of it though. And finally, for social studies, we learned about ancient Japan. It was finally time for lunch, I was starving. We went back to our lockers to grab our lunches, Khonsu grabbed a container, which I assumed was his lunch. "You brought lunch today?" I asked him, I was a bit shocked because he rarely ate anything. "Sou, my Ma decided to make me lunch even though I told her not to." He said, "Aww, isn't that sweet!" I said, "Sou, sou, sou." He said with a smile on his face.

We walked together to the cafeteria and sat down. Khonsu opened his box and it was a bento. "Hey! I have a bento too!" I said, "Oh, really?" Khonsu asked, "Sou!" I giggled. "And I am guessing your ma made that too?" He said, stifling his laughter. I then nodded, "I can cook a little bit, but not a bento." I said. "My Ma is teaching me to cook." Khonsu shrugged, "Sugoi! Maybe you can cook for me in the future." I teased him, "Hey, maybe I will." He said. "Yatta. Sasuga of your mama, she is amazing!" I said as I clapped my hands. "Hehe, I agree." Khonsu chuckled. We then ate our lunch, while starting up a conversation along the way.

I finished my food, but I still felt a little hungry. Khonsu somehow noticed, "Say ahhhh." He said as he hovered a piece of beef in front of my mouth. "E-eh?" I was confused, "You're still hungry." He said. I didn't know how he knew, but I closed my mouth around his chopsticks. It was really good! Wait, HIS chopsticks? "HHMM?!" I muffled on his chopsticks and quickly took my mouth off his chopsticks. "Nani? What's wrong, is it not good?" Khonsu asked, "No, it's not that..." I said as I covered my mouth and blushed. "Then what is it?" Khonsu asked curiously, I then pointed to my mouth and his chopsticks. "Oh..." Khonsu noticed what happened and cleared his throat. "Gomenasai! I didn't realize that until now." He said nervously, "It's fine...It was just what came to your mind first, it was a friendly gesture." I said, while still having a blush on my face.

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