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A/N: Okay, Tom Riddle is not the same person as Voldemort in this story. Tom will be the same year like us. Mattheo Riddle will be making his grand entrance soon. He will also be in the same year.

I woke up and it was dark. I felt something wrapped around my waist. I looked and it was Draco's arm. I felt his arm squeeze my waist so I knew he was awake.

"Morning darling." Draco whispers.

"Morning love, I need to get up." I say trying to break his grip.

"Nope, not happening. Your mine today." He says in my ear.

"Ugh, I need to take a shower and get ready. We have class today." I wine.

"We could skip though." Draco says.

"Nice try, now get your ass up before I make you." I say shoving him off of me.

He groans then gets up. I walk through the bathroom into my dorm. I grab my clothes and go back to the bathroom to take a shower.


I finish showering and dry off. I change into my outfit.

 I change into my outfit

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(Your outfit)

I put on a little mascara and lip gloss, and I put my hair in pony tail. I go into my dorm and put on my doc martins. I grabbed my book and wand. Then left for Herbology. 


Once I arrived to class, I took my notes for the lesson. Professor Sprout bored me the entire time. 


Finally class was finished and I had a free period. I decided to catch up on my Potions work. I took a little walk then left to the Library. I walked in and saw a few people reading here and there. After looking for while I finally ended up finding an empty spot. I sat down and pulled out my potions text book. I then pulled out my notes. We were learning about Everlasting Elixirs. It was quite boring since I already new everything about it. 

I was about to leave when Cedric Diggory stopped me.

"Hey, Ivy isn't it?" Cedric says.

"Yeah, your Cedric I believe.

"Yes, I just wanted to let you know that there is no DADA today. Lupin is out for today." He says.

"Okay, thanks for letting me know."

(Cedric didn't die because we stan Cedric)


I left the Library and made my way to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom to pick up a text book for some notes.


No one was in the classroom besides Draco and a boy.

I walk in and see Draco talking to a boy. He had dark brown curly hair, a sharp jawline and a scar along his nose. Handsome is the word for him.

Mattheo Riddle

I walk over to them and kiss Draco's cheek. He moves back and looks at me with a disgusted face.

"What is wrong? Can't I give my boyfriend a kiss?" I say confused.

"I'm not your boyfriend. Were not even friends you filthy slut." Draco spat.

My heart tore when he said that word, slut. I wanted to cry but I have to much. I have fought time and time again, I have cried over and over, and given him multiple chances to prove himself.

He can't control me anymore.

"Draco, don't talk to her like that!" Mattheo spats.

"Why are you defending her!" Draco yells

"Listen, I know about how she had to kill her parents. I know her past. I know she has been through some shit. I may be Voldemort's son but I don't like how he acts." Mattheo says defending me.

He didn't even know a bloody thing about me and he is defending me? Handsome and kind- nice.

"What? How do you know?" I ask.

"When my father would make you torture your parents, I would hear their screams through the halls of the house. I hated it. I tried to convince my father to let them go but he would refuse." He says.

"Wow, okay." I say shocked.

"Really your gonna believe that Ivy." Draco says.

"Okay, I am done playing your games. I have proved time and time again that I love you, that I trust you. All I get in return is shit on. I know that you have a bad life, but have you even thought about mine. I was abused my uncle, I had to kill my parents. I was body shamed by my own twin! God you can't even think about other people. Your a fucking asshole!" I scream.

I then run out of the classroom and through the halls. I didn't know what to do. I ran up to my dorm and didn't leave.


*1 week later*

Today is the day everyone leaves for Christmas break. I hadn't come out of my room since the argument. I was still quite overwhelmed from it all.

I hadn't eat or sleep at all. I stayed in my dorm reading or doing nothing. 

Ian had invited me to stay with him and his family for Christmas break so I had packed a bag with my essentials.


(Alana and Jeremy Kingston are Ian's parents.

Ian and I had arrived to his home. We walked inside and were greeted by his parents.

"Oh my Ivy! It is so good to see you!" Alana says hugging me.

"You as well, and thank you for letting me stay here." I say.

"Of course dear, your always welcome." She says.

"Hello Jeremy." I say hugging him.

"Hello sweetheart." He says.


We sat in the living room until dinner catching  up on everything in our lives.


It was finally time for dinner so we all sat down around the huge table, decorated with white marble plates, silver utensils, and black cloth napkins. Also a huge vase with red roses in the middle of the table.

"Okay, so on Christmas eve we are having a few guests over. The Malfoy's, and the Riddle's." Alana says.

I had told Ian what happened with Draco and Mattheo on the train home. 

Ian quickly looks at me and gives me a "Are you okay with this look". 

I give him a weak smile.

"Is everything alright kids?" Jeremy asks.

"Of course. Please, continue." I say.


How could my life get any worse...

A/N: I hope you loved this chapter! Please comment and vote <3

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