Not Enough For You

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You looked in the mirror inspecting yourself focusing on every flaw and sighed. The dress that made you feel like a goddess a week ago, was making you feel like the ugliest thing this planet has ever created. You had thirty minutes until you and Richard had to leave for a big event but you were dying to stay home at this point, you didn't want anyone to see you. As much as you loved going out with Richard and his friends, today was not your day. You woke up feeling insecure about everything, your life, your body, and even Richard. You couldn't see why someone like him, a famous singer with an amazing body and voice would ever want to be with you. He was perfect to you, he treated you like a queen, his family took you in as their own and Aaliyah adored you. But you couldn't see why you deserved any of this, you weren't perfect, you were not as wealthy as he was, you couldn't keep up with his normal expenses, you were just an ordinary girl.

"Babe, you almost ready?" Richard called from down the hall interrupting you from your negative thoughts

"No" you shouted back as you took off your dress and replaced it for another

You inspected yourself in the mirror once more hoping for a better feeling to come from you, but this dress only made things worse. You felt ugly as sin, from how your hair and makeup looked to how your dress hugged your body. In truth, no dress you would put on in this moment would make you feel good because you would just look right back into that mirror and hate what was staring back at you.

"Richard I'm not going tell the team I'm sick or something" you shouted as you took off your dress and changed into sweat pants and a baggy tee shirt

You heard familiar loud footsteps as Richard walked into the bedroom, confused at the last minute change of mind.

"Baby why don't you wanna go?" Richard questioned "and why are you in sweats? I thought you picked a dress last week"

His brown eyes scanned you and the dresses all over the floor, growing more confused by the second.

"Cant you go with one of your music video models?" You questioned slightly annoyed

"No," Richard said "because I wanna go with you"

"Richard I don't wanna go" you sighed as you walked into the bathroom to grab a makeup wipe

"Babe look at me" Richard pleaded "can you tell me what's up?"

"I just think you should go with someone else to this" you rambled as your eyes turned glassy as tears dared to fall down your cheeks "why are you with me anyways? I'm not as pretty as the girls from your music videos, I have no talent, I'm nothing-"

"Hey, hey, hey" Richard gently interrupted you as he embraced you in a hug, holding your head close to his chest as you let the tears cascade down your face and onto his suit "baby what are you talking about?"

"I'm not good enough" you choked out between sobs "I'm not enough for you"

"Not enough?" he chucked as one of his hands rubbed your back as the other pet your hair "babe what are you talking about? You are everything to me. You are so beautiful and smart...babe god couldn't have sent me anyone better than you"

He kissed the top of your head and stayed with you until you calmed down. He never let you out of his warm embrace, until he knew you were okay.

"Babe your my world" he whispered as he gently and lovingly pecked your lips

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