The Storm

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Another assassination attempt. Why am I not surprised?

"Angel, are you OK?" Will asked worriedly, with Cecil and Lou Ellen also concerned as they prepared whatever weapons they can.

The assassin this time was a vampiric looking ghosts, similar to that of Dracula who gave me a fanged grin.

"So you dodge that? You really are going to be troublesome, he was right about that."

"Another assassin at the very next day?" I deadpanned.

"Oh you know how these things go," Dracula said dismissively, "When dealing with nuisances and you can get rid of them, you try to get rid of them immediately before they become a bigger problem."

I can't even deny that. Sound logic on Dracula's part right there.

"And why you?" I asked. I could guess... after all, they might know from my last busting, while I had no trouble exorcising the normal ghosts, it was a different story for the Hidden. But what Dracula said surprised me.

"Because I'm not dead," Dracula smiled, "And you cannot exorcise something alive."

My eyes widened in surprise and I used my death sense just to confirm it to feel that he was right. Not only that, it was the same sensation as Danny Phantom. Maybe not as young, but a healthy soul. Although I could see traces of something blasting at his face.

To that, ouch. Experiencing things face first is not a very great experience, and I know... the Great Wall of China is rumoured to have a face imprint somewhere and unfortunately, that rumour is very true.

I narrowed my eyes, "So why are you attacking me?"

Because if as he said, he was alive (I'm not a 100% sure because I did see that blast in the face, and agony. I really understand his pain) then what would he do with the Ghost Revolution that was meant to liberate the dead from the Underworld?

"Because what ghost, dead or alive, wouldn't want their own revolution for their own kind? When I have heard of it, I immediately jumped in for the opportunity."

Alive ghosts... for some reason, the idea doesn't sit well right with me, and a flash of Danny Fenton and Danny Phantom came to my mind. What I wonder, is how?

"How?" Lou Ellen asked, now looking up at the ghost in curiosity, "How could a ghost be alive? Don't you have to be dead to be a ghost?"

"Ah... you say that," Dracula said, "But it never occurred that you could simply obtain ghost 'powers' without dying."

"So you are saying that you are not really a ghost, but you just have their powers, like shooting that laser beam? Makes me wonder if I could obtain those powers?" Cecil asked, with a mischievous smile.

I remembered the electric shocks and the face blasting so for the good of Cecil, "Don't try unless you want to feel pain of almost dying."

If you just tell a child of Hermes not to do something, they would be hellbent to do it instead. If you give them reason, they might back off. Might.

"You mean, he experienced...risky but fun... then again..." Cecil said, his mischievous smile finally going away to a nearly mournful look, "Damn it... cool powers... but..."

And then, out of nowhere, another pink blast almost shot me.

"Oh fiddlesticks," Dracula said, "I hoped you were distracted enough so that I could finish you off like a good boy. Ah, well, as they say, third's time the charm."

Then, with a twirl, a hurricane appeared and I really wanted to shout out and complain with, "What's up with these ghost powers?!"

But instead, I decided to be productive as Will and the others ran from the clutches of the hurricane, I set up a huge crack in front of the hurricane that managed to stuck the hurricane and dissipate it.

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