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"Took you long enough," his boss snarled at him as he opened the door. "Have a seat, my friend".

His words hurt like a snake bite. He bit his tongue, and sat down. His old friend's stare was venomous; it seemed to pierce through his skin and cut through his soul. His hands intwined in front of his face, he took a deep breath.

"Doodlebob. We have noticed your substantial decrease in performance within the past few months, and we have come to the conclusion that it would be best for the company if you were removed from the position of Moderator on the r/WingsOfFire subreddit and associates discord server. We apologize—"

"Bullshit!" Doodle jumped up from his seat so fast he could have sworn Snek had flinched, if just a little. "I have done so much more for this company than you ever have! You're just jealous that—"

"That is enough, Mr. Bob," he interrupted, firmly. "Your temper is one of the many reasons why you are being let go. You have been causing unease from our users and your colleagues. Today will be your last at this office."

Doodle's blood was boiling, and he wanted to say so many things to the man he once considered a friend. But he held back. Snek only wanted him to get angry, he wanted to see Doodle's fruitless attempts to sustain his job. He sat back down, the look of anger on his face saying plenty.

"You're sick, you know that?"

"I do. And I take pride in it." The grin on Snek's face told him enough—it was time to leave.

He stood up once again. They sustained eye contact for what felt like agonizing hours, before he swallowed his pride and left the office.

He looked back in the room, just for a small moment. Big mistake. Snek still sat there, his mischievous grin making his hair stand up. He slammed the door shut, still fuming. What an asshole.

"Wow. That was intense," a familiar voice pointed out. The bastard. Toasty.

"What do you want?" Doodle almost shouted at the woman, his anguish visible from the red in his face. He was sure she noticed, she liked to make fun of him for it all those years ago.

"It's sad really," She said, ignoring his question. "You got fired on my first day. It's a shame, I really wanted to catch up." She put on a fake pouty face, like you'd see a child give you when they don't get their way.

"Your first day? What the hell're you talking about?" But he already knew. Of course there would be new hirees. They were short-staffed as it was. But the loss of both his old manager, and now him, would take a huge toll on the company's productivity.

She smiled. That damned smile she knew he hate. "I think you know. Now if you'll excuse me," She turned and sat down, cross-legged at a desk. His desk. "I've got some setting up to do. Would you be a gentleman and move this junk off my desk? The user lounge is that way," She pointed down the hall to the infamous door. #general-chat.

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