Locked Out.

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He had walked the same route so many times before. So many times had he laughed, had he been frustrated, had he cried. This was new.

The walk was usually very peaceful. The subtle drone of the city, the extravagant scent of his neighbor's flourishing garden, and his hands interlocked with his lover. How he missed those days.

Strolling down the block, to and from work. It became more of a burden than the bliss it had once been. So many things had changed.

Panting, Doodle quickly made his way into his home, still incredibly shook by the encounter. Only after he had successfully locked all the doors in his house could he relax his muscles. He let out a sigh, and allowed the tears to flow freely down his face. A soft boy. Toasty was right about one thing.

How he yearned for a hand on his shoulder, someone to hug during these times. Unfortunately, he wasn't there anymore. He was gone.

How he missed his kind words. "It's okay, Doodle," He leaned down to give him an embrace. His height only added to his overall attractiveness. "Just let it all out. It's okay to cry, we can figure this out together."

He sobbed. And he sobbed. And he reminisced. And he sobbed some more. He was on his own for this one.

"What do you mean, I can't get in?" Doodle questioned, his irritation building. "I've been here since the beginning!"

The man shook his head, leaning up against the building's wall. "Sorry bud. No I.D., no entry. Rules are rules," the man Doodle had learned went by the name of Xay stated, his monotone voice angering Doodle more than it should have.

"Cmon, Xay, can't you make an exception, just this once?" He pleaded, desperately. He cursed himself for resorting to such a measure. Certainly he would be able to finesse his way through.

"No can do, buckeroo. The higher-ups would reprimand me. Can't have that happening." His emotionless expression didn't even bother making eye contact. It was clear he wouldn't budge.

"I'm telling you," Doodlebob continued, "I was robbed! Just last night! You've gotta believe me." He was doing his best not to lash out at the man. That would only ruin any chance he had left to get in.

The man at the door sighed, looking down at his clipboard. "Name and Discord tag?" Xay asked, tapping his pen impatiently.


"I see," he flipped through a few pages, marking something down. "It seems as though we already have a Doodlebob#1536 in our facility. I'm afraid there's nothing I can do."

"Bullshit." Doodlebob fumed. He couldn't really hold back anymore. "I'm Doodlebob! That's what it says on my birth certificate, and that's who I am! Let me in!" Doodle pushed forward, but his attempt at entry was futile with the bodyguard in the way.

"Sir, whoever you are, I'm going to have to ask you to leave. You are not welcome here."

Those last words hurt like a bullet. Doodle never felt like he belonged. Not ever since Snek came in. Not ever since the incursion of new members.

But without another word, Doodle stormed off, his head as red as Among Us impostor. One way or another, he was going to get into that building. And he was going to reclaim his title as Moderator of the r/WingsOfFire Official Subreddit.

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