Hacking into the Mainframe.

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He smiled. This would get him in for sure..

Date of Birth: April 20, 1969
Sex: yes
Roles: Hatchling

He looked over his new I.D. with pride. Surely this would trick that arrogant bodyguard. Sliding it into his jeans' pocket, walking back over to #welcomes with a new sense of confidence; he would get back in.

Finally seeing the large building, he hurried over to the entrance, preparing to pull out his I.D. as needed.

The man noticed this "newcomer," and promptly readied his clipboard. "Name and Discord tag?"

Confidently, Doodle pulled out his card and handed it to the guard. Studying it for a moment, Xay gave a slight grunt and handed it back. "Welcome to the Official r/WingsOfFire discord, Guam#0152! Make sure to read the rules!"

He would not read the rules.

Doodle then marched into the building, gazing upon the chaos that inhabited the area. For once in his life, he was glad to be in #general-chat. But what he did not expect was a new door, labeled "#bigwing-lounge," with a huge sign above it, stating "Closed: Authorized Personnel ONLY".

Curiosity overwhelmed him. What could lie beyond a door like that? It didn't seem like anyone was guarding the door, so a little peek inside couldn't hurt.

Passing by the familiar faces, he approached the door as inconspicuously as he could manage. But the strangest part of all was the fact that he could hear voices just beyond the door. Foreign voices.

He reached for the doorknob, opening up the door just enough so he could see inside. Luckily enough, it was unlocked. But what Doodle saw inside the room astonished him.

Two people. Speaking to each other. One tiny boy with a poor Russian accent, and a taller man who's accent couldn't exactly be placed.

But of course Doodle recognized them. The small boy who went by the name of MoonJr...and the man who had robbed him of his identity.

It took all he had not to lash out at the members, he didn't want to be accused of eavesdropping. So he bit his tongue and laid low.

"—the explosives, we will gain control of the staff channels, and be able to become the admins of the server." The boy said. Doodle could barely make out what he was saying from such a distance, and coupled with his thick accent. "And with your disguise, it should be a non-issue."

It began to make more sense to Doodle—he wasn't robbed for the few dollars he had on him. He was robbed for his identity. For the ability to go under the guise of an ex-administrator.

"Great. And you'll keep up your end of the deal?" The taller one asked. Just the sound of his voice was enough to get Doodle's blood boiling.

"Of course. That will come into fruition after Stage 2. After that, there's no turning back."

Doodle was shaking at this turn of events, unsure of what to do. Should he tell the mods? Did they deserve to know, after what they did to him? He still despised Snek, that was for sure. But did his actions warrant what will be the end of the server as they know it?

Doodle shut the door, a bit louder than he probably should have, and turned back around. Luckily, his dilemma was solved for him when he turned around to see a masked man swing a metal bat directly at his face. After that, everything went black.

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