Escaping The Hunter

751 31 13

-Mono's P.O.V-

'(Y/n)... That's a really nice name! And his voice is soft too!'

"Nice to meet you..."

I looked back up at the handle pointed at it.

"If you can toss me up there, I might be able to open the stairs."

I lowered my arm and looked back (Y/n). He seemed to be thinking. While he was thinking, it took me a moment before I noticed he was a little bit taller than me.

"Well... Maybe..."

He nodded before lowering him self to a squatting position with his hands cup low enough for me to step on them. He nodded for me to walk over, I quickly stepped on his hands and he tossed me up to the handle. I wasn't heavy enough to pull down the stairs. I was about to let go when I felt (Y/n) grab onto my legs.

With the extra weight of (Y/n) holding onto me, we got the stairs to come down, also making both of us fall to the ground. As we were getting up, we heard some kind of huffing. We both looked at each other before looking at the attic. I was the first one to climb up, when I made I made sure it was safe, I turned and motioned for (Y/n) to follow me up.

Looking at a big suitcase in our way, I saw a drawer not far behind it. I walked up to the suitcase and started to try and push it to the drawer, but I wasn't strong enough. I moved my hands and saw (Y/n) walk beside before trying to push the suitcase as well.

I leaned down and started to push again with him. This time, we got it to move towards the drawer. Once it was completely up against it, we both climbed onto the suitcase and then onto the drawer. We dropped down onto the other side and saw some kind of holder.


I turned my head as (Y/n) walked over to the machine.

"It's... It's missing the lever..."

He looked up and pointed at something. I looked at what it was and saw a key on a hook

"If we find the lever... We can get the key... I think..."

(Y/n) turned to me as I nodded and walked over to another set of drawers.

"Think you can boost me up there (Y/n)?"


He walked over to me and squatted down while cupping his hands down low again. I stepped onto them as he threw me up onto the drawer. Once I was over, I walked down a plank of wood that was leaning on the wall near the drawer.

I had to kneel down to get through some shelves. After getting through, I saw some lady sitting on a chair holding the lever. I was about to go hide under the shelf before I noticed something. If the people at the tables were filled with stuffing, then maybe this lady is too.

I inhaled deeply as I walked over to the lady. I took hold of the lever and started to try and pull it out of her hand. She had a really good grip on it. My hands slipped the first time, so I got up and tried to pull at it again. This time, I was able to get it, but I pulled off her whole arm in the process.

"Oh god..."

I had to take my leg out from under the arm before standing up and grabbing the lever. Once I got it, I knelt down and went under the shelves and got to the drawer again, I saw (Y/n) pacing around in a circle.


He looked over at me and I swear I could see him smile a little bit. I tossed him the lever, which he caught really well, he did step back a tiny bit, that was probably due to catching something was a bit bigger than him.

We'll Get Through It Together (Mono x Male Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now