Upside-Down Doctor

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-Mono's P.O.V-

As the elevator doors opened up, we were greeted by and very dark hallway.

"Nova, what button did you push?"

"The only button there is!"

We looked at the wall, then the hallway. (Y/n) still had my flashlight, so I quickly and lightly jabbed him in his side. When he looked at me confused, I pointed to the hall. It quickly dawned on him as he took out the flashlight and turned it on, pointing it at the hallway.

"Let's do this!"

We all left the elevator and went down the hallway. There only sounds we heard were some kind of faint bangs and the sounds of our feet hitting the floor as we walked. Well, Nova was skipping, but that doesn't matter.

As we continued down the hall, we saw a big open room, so we went in it. There were racks with mannequin parts all over. When we got to the end of the hall, we saw a gate like wall with some rope tied to it. As soon as we got through, we saw a bunch more mannequins and mannequin parts.

"Ah! Let's keep this PG-13!"

Alex had covered Nova's eyes and she moved forward. Alex was blushing a little bit, (Y/n) and I shrugged at each other before we continued.

Now at the end of another hallway, the door was shut, but the bottom had some wood over it. As (Y/n) got near it, something started to bang on a short metal drawer. We all jumped at it as we heard something crawling around.

"Mono! Grab the pipe and be ready to attack anything that comes by! Alex! Hold the drawer shut while (Y/n) and I try and get these boards off of the door!"

We all nodded and went to what were told to do. Nova was happy person, she didn't show many others emotions as far as I know. But OH BOY... When I tell you she was freaking out, I mean it... She was acting as if people were on all sides of us getting ready to murder all in one second.

As Alex was pushing against the drawer, a hand came out of no where and almost jumped onto me. I got two hits on it just before Alex was pushed onto the ground and a second hand came out.

"Alex! Come help us!"

As Nova finished with saying the new order, they got off one of the boards. Alex quickly got over to them and started to pull the boards with them. As they were doing that, I was taking care of the hands. Once one of them was down, I heard a yelp. Alex got the other hand on their face. Nova stopped pulling, picked up the piece of wood that came off of the door, and hit Alex with it. It hit the hand more than Alex, but they did stumble back a little bit.

The hand jumped off and ran right for me. I hit it again, as it was stunned, I hit it once more and it curled up into itself. I dropped the pipe, as Nova and Alex got up and finished getting the second piece of wood off. I quickly went over to their side and pulled with them. As we got it off, it hit (Y/n) in the face. He fell down holding his nose.

"Are you okay (Y/n)?!"

He nodded while holding his nose. I saw a small bit of blood coming from the small cracks in the fingers. My eyes went a bit wide when I saw it. I got down beside him and moved his hand. 

"That looks kinda bad..."

"Let me see!"

Nova sat down next to me and looked at (Y/n)'s nose.

"Yeah... That's pretty bad..."

Nova rubbed her hands together quickly before holding them near (Y/n)'s face.

We'll Get Through It Together (Mono x Male Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now