The Thin Man and The Viewers

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-(Y/n)'s P.O.V-

As Nova, Alex, Mono, and I were walking. I could tell Mono was a bit uncomfortable and tense. I grabbed onto his hand and squeezed it tightly to sow him I would be there for him. He looked at our hands before looking up at me with a confused look. I smiled at him and watched him smile back.

"When are you two love birds gonna kiss?"

We looked over at Nova and Alex. Nova had a smug smirk while looking right at me. Alex was simply looking forward.

"Be quiet Nova. And don't tease them."

"You're no fun..."

As we continued walking a bit more, we saw what seemed like a bus stop with just clothes sitting on the bench. Nova walked over to it as things fell to the ground hard and landed with loud thuds. When Nova backed up and joined us, we watched as another thing fell really close to us.

We all jumped in surprise.


Nova had one leg up, both hands on the umbrella stick, and a terrified look on her face. Alex was holding onto her shoulders to make sure she didn't fall down. They also had a scared look on their face. Nova set her leg down before walking away carefully watching it, in case it stood up.

As we all went into the doorway of another building, we made our way up the stairs quietly. On the second flight of stairs, we saw someone hanging off of the stairs. Most likely impaled.

Nova had just shut her umbrella before going into a room without looking to see if it was safe. When we got closer to the door, someone fell through the roof and ran into the next room.

We all looked at each other before Nova went right into the room. We quickly followed her, and we saw the person with their head through the glass of a T.V.

"Geez... These T.Vs must be causing people to loose their minds... Glad I'm not like that..."

I walked right next to her and looked closely at the guy. 

"What on earth was even playing? It sounded like it some kind of hypnotic tune..."

Nova shrugged before walking over to the window and opening her umbrella. Mono quickly went after her before Alex or I could get out before him.

'What's going on with this group? Mono seems too tense, Nova doesn't seem to be listening to us, and Alex... I don't know about Alex...'

As soon as Alex and I got out, Nova was looking at the curved roof thing she was on just as Mono was getting close to her.

"You two okay up there?"

They both turned and looked at us. I could see a little bit of Mono's mouth while I could see all of Nova's face. Her eyes were the thing that scared me. Her blue and green eyes were a bit more grey than what they seemed to be before.

Nova simply nodded before getting into the next building. Mono turned to watch her before turning back to me shrugging. I sighed and got up to him with Alex. As I got out, We all looked the way Nova went as we took quick glaces and followed her.

-time skip-

When Nova first saw us following her, she sped up and left more quickly than what we thought. It continued going on as we found and followed her.

When we did find her, she was holding her umbrella in one hand while looking at the tower. A bright night was shining on all of us. As soon as Nova saw us again, we were ready for her to run...

.....but she walked away, as if she didn't know us.....

We all looked between Nova and each other. She never acted like that before...

-another time skip-

As we got through the door that Nova pushed down, the whole ceiling started to come down. A hole opened up and we all fell down it. As soon as we all recovered, we saw Nova standing at a closed door. We got up and walked to her.

Alex was the one to get close enough to actually see if she was alright. Before Alex could ask anything, Nova turned, jumped, and opened up the door by herself. Alex's shoulders and arms went limp for a good minute before she followed Nova.

"Do you think she's okay?"

Mono shrugged before following Alex. I soon joined them all. Nova was standing at next to an open doorway, pointing at it with the umbrella.

When we all got there, the static was starting up again. When Mono walked into the room, the static got REALLY loud. Alex and I covered our ears as much as we could while Nova walked right passed us like nothing happened.

When Alex and I got into the room, Mono had his hand on the T.V again, but Nova had a hand on his shoulder. My eyes were squinted, so I couldn't really see what was going on. As Mono went through, Nova let go of him and watched.

Alex and I stood up and walked over to her. Looking at Mono, as he got to the door and opened it. As the door slowly opened, Alex and I reached in and grabbed him. It seems Nova came to her senses, because she grabbed onto him right after we did.

When the door was fully open, we saw a tall thin mad standing up from his chair. We all pulled Mono out, before looking between him and the T.V.

"What have you done?"

Nova stood up and grabbed onto Alex. I shook Mono to get him up. When he did, we watched as the Thin Man walked closer to the screen.

Just as his hands reached the screen, Nova grabbed my shoulder, pulled me up, and we all ran out of the room. I shook off Nova's hand, ran back to Mono, grabbed his hand, and pulled him with all of us as we ran away from the Thin Man.

We ran out into the hallway and went into another room that was near by. Nova shoved Alex under a table that close to the door, while I got Mono under the bed. Before I could get under, I swear...

Everything slowed down...

When I turned, I saw Nova and Alex running to my side, the Thin Man reaching for me, and I heard Mono calling for all of us to hide. After that... I blacked out.

-3rd Person P.O.V-

As the Thin Man grabbed (Y/n), he turned to Nova and Alex, who were backing up slightly. When he grabbed them, Mono watched... Terrified on what he was going to do to his friends...

When everything became quiet, Mono looked out form under the bed. There were odd, dark, glitchy versions of the other three. The (Y/n) one was right in front of him, looking at him with a sad look.

The Nova and Alex ones were standing up, slowly falling to the ground. As Mono left his hiding spot and walked to the new figures, they dissipated...

Mono, feeling guilty, sad, upset, and hurt... He stood up, took off his coat, tied it around his waist, and headed out...

To shut down the tower...

To put and end to everyone's suffering...

To save his friends...

To save (Y/n)...


Seems that things are going pretty well!

We're trapped, Mono seems to be upset with everything, and... There's going to be a nice twist for everyone!

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