A Hospital?! Oh boy...

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-(Y/n)'s P.O.V-

Opening my eyes, I heard small bits of tapping. I rubbed my eyes carefully and looked at the water that was still coming down from the hole in the ceiling.

'What time is it? Whenever we fall asleep, it always ends with us waking up in the dark...'

I heard a groan, when I looked down and saw Mono still asleep...  I think... His bag was slightly off of his head, so I could see a bit of his face. His face was the same pale skin tone as his hands and feet, but his lips were a light pink.My face heated up and looked at his lips, they must feel as soft as they looked.

"You must really like staring at people..."

I looked up and saw Alex leaning on a door with their arms crossed over their chest.

"It's not like that..."


"So, what are we going to do once we get out?"

"Continue on I guess... I don't know, Nova hasn't filled me in on too much of what you two were doing before I met Mono and Nova..."

"I can fill you in if you want."

Alex looked over at Nova, who had her legs back, to see she was still asleep.

"I don't see why not... So, sure..."

-time skip brought to you by none existing logic in this story-

When we all had woken up, Nova had to get her legs back in working order so she wouldn't be falling every where. As soon as she was good, I boosted Mono up to open the door. When we walked through, we saw some kind of outfit shop. We jumped out of the window and looked around.

In front of us was a fence with a big thing of wood in front of it. Most likely blocking us from going through the gate. Nova was a bit more slower than us due to not wanting to get wet and have her tail come back right away. I boosted Mono onto a dumpster, he quickly got over the fence and pushed the thing of wood over, making a way for all of us to get through.

He turned and quickly walked up to a vent and started pulling it. Once it was open, we all crawled through. On the other side of the vent, was a big building with an open window that had light shining through it. Mono walked over and peaked inside. When he gave us a thumbs up, we all hopped through.

We all started to look at the kind of room we were in now. It had some kind of board with a bunch of papers on it. Some were long and thin while other were normal. A chair was in the corner near the window, and some kind of trolley was loaded with bandages.

"I think... That we're inside of a hospital now..."

"I agree..."

We continued forward a bit and saw a shelf and some beds in the middle of the hallway. Continuing even more, we saw a door. Being the way all of us are, we all started to push it open. As it got open, Nova and Alex stepped back as I stumbled forward a tiny bit. Mono almost fell off of the edge until I caught him.

Nova and Alex came over and helped me pull him up. Nova fell backward and Alex lost grip on him, with them sort of pulling him as they let go, it made him fall on top of me. He pulled himself up and looked down at me. I felt my face heat more than it ever did before.

Hearing some laughing, I sat up and turned to see Alex covering their mouth with their hands while Nova held her hands to her cheeks smiling.

"You two are adorable together! How come you guys aren't dating?"

My eyes went wide as I looked at Mono, he was looking away from me making this a little awkward.

"W-Wouldn't... Wouldn't that make t-this a bit... Weird for us...?"

Nova removed her hands and shrugged while smiling.

"Suit yourselves!"

Mono and I stood up as Alex and Nova started walking towards the door. There were a bunch of beds hanging from the ceiling. One was completely on it's side, so no one was going to be sleeping on it.

"Oh... OH! OH! OH! I've got an idea!"

Nova backed up a bit before running forward and jumping onto the first bed.

'Parcore? Sure!'


Alright, we clearly took WAY too much time off. Nova has been writing on these as much as she could, and I was just sitting on my ass while doing nothing... SO! Thank Nova for the few chapters!

See ya!



We'll Get Through It Together (Mono x Male Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now