Traps and Kidnappers

544 21 6

-(Y/n)'s P.O.V-

As we looked at each other after the door shut, Nova started to stare at something which I never thought I'd ever see. Some person's clothes were hanging out of a T.V that was a good few feet above the floor.


"You know when your parents tell you if you sit too close to the television, you'll go blind? Yeah, shoving your face through will kill ya!"

Nova looked over at us and shrugged. We all walked towards a huge hole in the wall that was there. Quickly, we all hopped through and found ourselves in some kind of street.

"Well, I guess the people on the other side of that gap won't be coming here anytime soon..."

I turned and saw what she was talking about. It wasn't a small gap that could be fixed easily, it was HUGE. I didn't noticed until Mono called out to me asking if I was alright. I nodded as Nova and I walked over to him.

Nova was the first to go through the open window before informing us it was safe to come through. When we did, we saw more clothes on chairs as if people were sitting there before they became just clothes.

"Seems like a kitchen... I think we're in another person's house... Let's hope it's not like The Hunter..."

Nova turned to look at us with a confused face.

"What's The Hunter?"

"Some guy who had a fabric bag over his head and shot gun... I think it was a good thing that we got away from him..."

Nova raised her shoulders to her ears and made an uncomfortable face as if she had imagined it.

"Dear lord... I'm glad I wasn't with you guys when dealing with him then!"

She turned forward and started walking again.

'She's confusing...'

Once we were out of the kitchen or sorts, we squeezed through a nearly broken door into a really small hallway that only lead into a big open room. There were T.Vs tied to strings almost everywhere. Some were broken and others weren't.

"You think one of you guys can get through there?"

Nova was pointing at a hole in the wall too high for her to reach by jumping.

"(Y/n), can you give me a boost?"

I nodded to Mono as we made our way over to the hole. Nova stepped out of the way and tilted her head as she watched us. As soon as Mono was over, I turned my head to Nova and saw she was squinting at me.


She quickly shook her head and smiled at me.

"Nothing! I space out a lot while like this, sorry about that!"

Out of no where, we heard a loud bang.

"Mono! What was that?!"

"I'm hitting a T.V. I think we need to go up. There's nothing but holes in the floor to an empty void in the room..."

The bang was heard again. I stepped back worried for what would come next. When the third bang was sounded. I saw what looked like part of Mono being pulled up to a different level.


"I'm fine... I just need to find a way to get you two up here..."

"We can try to find a way down here! Come on (Y/n)!"

We'll Get Through It Together (Mono x Male Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now