Mannequins In The Dark

243 13 4

-Mono's P.O.V-

As Nova stood up and watched the bed. Alex moved forward a little bit. Nova turned to us and gave a thumbs up before grabbing onto the sideways bed. Alex jumped onto the bed that Nova was just on, they continued one without thinking.

I looked at Mono who seemed to be thinking if it was really a good idea to follow the other two.

"Is it  good idea?"

He turned to me and shrugged before running and jumping onto the bed as well.

'Well... Guess I'm doing this...'

I took a running start and jumped onto the bed, the whole thing swayed slightly before stopping. We all continued until we got to a room that was higher up from where we were. Right next to the door, was some kind of power generator. Mono walked up to it looking for a button.

"What does this go to?"

"It could be the door..."

Alex looked at the cracks in the walls and hummed while thinking.

"Guys! There's wires that go from that one over to one over here! But it's missing that glowing thing... Do you think we can take that one out?"

I shrugged and carefully took it out of the holder and brought it to where Nova was. I saw another power generator and placed it into this holder. As soon as I did, the lights turned on and the door to our right opened.  Nova and I walked forward and leaned in to take a look at what was in the room. Some kind of metal room being held up by a thick cord.

"Do you think we should go now?"

I shrugged and looked at Alex and Mono who seemed to be talking with each other. I raised my hands to the side of my moth to call out the Mono when Nova let out a small yelp.


I turned and saw she had fallen into the room. Mono and Alex seemed to have heard because they came running over really quickly.

'I guess we're going in...'

"I don't know if we can get to the next room now..."

"Nova, stand up please."

She nodded and stood up. As she did, Mono jumped in. The metal thing they were standing on fell slightly. On the wall, I saw what looked like a vent. But it was locked by the floor thing. I pointed at it and tapped Alex on the shoulder

"Alex, do you see that?"

Alex looked at where I was pointing and saw the vent. They turned to me and nodded before we both jumped down at the same time. The whole thing fell far enough so that we could see the vent. Alex and I ran over and started to pull it. Once we got the cover off, we climbed in quickly. Mono and Nova got in right after us, once we were all inside of the vent, we watched as the cord that was holding the thing snapped and made the metal thing fall.

"No one's going on that anymore..."

I chuckled a little at What Nova said as we all made our way to the other side of the vent. As we got out of the vent, Mono walked over to something on the ground. Once he picked it up, he looked at it. I'm guessing he pressed something on it, because the light that was coming from it was gone.

"This room sucks... Why are there even beds in here?!"

"How can you see? It's so dark..."

"I lived in the bottom of a lake alone... I never saw the sun due to being kept at the very bottom... I'm used to this..."

We'll Get Through It Together (Mono x Male Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now