Chapter 04

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Levi groaned in his sleep. Someone was talking in his head or trying to. The person seems to have difficulty in speaking like a two-year-old child, he sounded like he struggling and there was a hint of frustration in his cool voice.

*Le- click- click- click- click!*


*tick- tick- tick!*


Levi forced himself awake. The voice in his head was starting to annoy him. He still feels exhausted mentally and physically. He needed possibly two days of rest knowing how physically drain he was at this rate. Cracking an eye open, Levi was greeted with a pair of big emerald eyes.

Eren was looking down at him, eyes wide and his pupils were slits, drowning Levi at the beauty of his green eyes. The Titan continued to stare down at him, and when he saw that the raven was awake, his pupils were blown wide that Levi can barely see his green iris.

Levi sucked in air as he reached his hand to cup the Titan's face. It was a hell of a journey but they managed to escape. They've been running for two days straight, not stopping for more than an hour. Kenny's sick pit fight arena was in a middle of a wasteland. They hunt a few lizards for food but it wasn't enough to sustain them both. The lands were not fruitful as expected that was why Levi pushed to keep on moving. A few warriors joined them but eventually, they went on separate ways.

Now that they finally arrived in a forest and away from the arena, Levi's body gave up on him.

*You should hunt.* He encouraged the Titan above him. Levi knew he couldn't make it if he doesn't rest for a few days with a full belly. His body was still recovering from his heat, if Eren won't listen to him and give him food, he's a goner.

Eren produced a low pitch whine before sitting up and scanned the area around them.

Levi laid next to a fallen tree, the bark was big enough to hide him from predators in the forest. Eren picked the spot and Levi was impressed. Moss served as his mattress, it was shaded only a few rays of sun past through the thick canopy above them, and the cool breeze ghost on his skin. Who would have thought that this Titan was a mate material?

Eren leaned down with a purr and rubbed his face on Levi's hair, heavily marking the raven as his before straightened and left to hunt.

Levi smiled tiredly at his mate's commitment. He's been ordering him around since they mated and Eren never opposed him. Levi thought that maybe this could work.

The raven closed his eyes, hoping to catch a few hours of sleep before his mate comes back.


Levi blinked awake in a daze, his eyes adjusted at the lighting of the room. He heard voices he never heard before. A new scent filled his nose and the soft feeling of the pelt below him was pulling him back to another nap.


His eyes snapped open as he registered that he was longer laying on the forest's moss bed but on an actual bed.



Levi gasped in the air at Eren's call in his head. He panicked, eyes darting everywhere to look for his mate. He discovered that he's inside a log cabin and he laid weakly on an actual bed. His entire body felt numb that he could barely moved his toes.

"Have you brew the Vermon?" a voice said.

He whizzed for air as he tilted his head with a whole lot of effort than it should and gazed at strangers on the open door. From where he laid, Levi could see that three people were talking near the fireplace.

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