Chapter 07

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Note up ahead- smut


"Eren," Levi was smiling from ear to ear, watching his mate. Eren pressed his face on the glass to see the endless space in space with awe. "Come here and sit with me."

Eren hissed playfully at him, clearly not wanting to miss the planets that they passed by. He was kneeling on his chair, hands on the glass window as he peered into the view in front of him.

Levi chuckled and decided to imitate his mate's position, except the one where he stuck his face flat on the glass. "Wait until we're in H569 Gladied's orbit, I heard from Armin that the Crystal comet was passing there."

Eren cheered with a high pitch chirp and whistles similar to a whale's.

Levi laughed at the Titan's excitement. They were traveling to Shingansina, the planet was owned by Hange's friend named Erwin Smith. Her friend was rich enough to buy a whole planet and allowed her to stay there as her home base. Hange housed some endangered species on the planet, as well for research and helping them grow their population.

"Levi, Eren!" Armin called at the two of them. "Your cabin is ready."

"Thanks, Armin." Taking Eren's hand and dragging the brunette away from the window, they followed the blonde elf to their cabin.

"Mikasa had been studying various sounds and meanings so, she can talk with Eren and translate them for us." Armin shared as they walked through the halls.

"That's great." Nodding, Levi held Eren's hand tighter and dragged him. The Titan tends to stop at a window to looked at the view. "Oh, by the way, maybe I should try teaching Eren some English."

"I think Eren's vocal cords are only limited to the sounds he used. But I think he could learn sign language."

"No, I mean Eren can speak, only in my mind though."

"Ah, that's what Hange had been studying in the cockpit." Armin nodded and added. "So, you can speak with Eren telepathically?"

"Yes, but I only heard him say his name once 'Eren' and my name. It took him a while to say my name though." Levi explained.

"Fascinating, you don't mind if I share this information with Hange? I'm sure it will help her with her research." Armin stopped on one of the doors, which Levi assumed was their cabin.

"Sure, I don't mind." Levi let the door slide open and dragged the curious Titan inside.

"Thanks for trusting us Levi and Eren. There are spare clothes in the drawer, and towels in the adjoining bathroom. Have a good night's rest!" Armin waved at them before the door closed.

Sighing, Levi locked their door and went straight to the adjoining bathroom to wash up. While Eren didn't even hesitate on laying on the bed and curled up like a cat. Once he got into a comfortable position, he was purring contently at the soft sheets and pillows around him.

After a few minutes, Levi left the bathroom clean with a basin and a small towel. He didn't want to lay next to Eren's sweaty body, so he took the initiative of wiping the Titan's body clean. Eren was already sleeping on their bed, his face lax and his lips were agape as he breathes.

*Eren, I'll wipe you down, okay?*

*Ummm... Levi... click... click...*

*I take that as a yes.*

Levi sat at the edge of the bed and pushed the brunette to lay on his back. Eren let out a short groan when the cool towel touched his face. The raven wiped down his face to his neck and chest. Pulling the Titan's shirt up, Levi ran the cool towel on Eren's stomach.

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