Chapter 1

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Miyo walked out and was immediately met with shrieks.

"Oh my goodness! It's simple but beautiful." That was Rema.

Sean nodded, "Yeah, I couldn't bear to wear something that stopped me from moving comfortably!"

Miyo looked down at the dress doubtfully, "I don't know..."

Rema was in disbelief, "Look, that dress is amazing and you are buying it."

Sean nodded, "Yeah Miyo, you look great, and now you have something for tonight's ball."

"Thanks guys, but you look spectacular."

And they did, all of them looked stunning and were excited about the party.

As they walked home they chatted about life in general when Rema looked at Miyo.

"You loved Gai didn't you?"

"What?!" Miyo was flustered, "I don't know what you're talking about-"

"Yeah, you do. I can tell," Sean smirked.

Miyo glared at the two of them.

"Well Rema, what about you and Spin? Huh?"

"Spin? Nooo! What are you two laughing about?" A blush spread across her face, Sean smiled at the both of them.

Rema noticed and said, "What about you and Helio?"

Sean sputtered in outrage and turned red in the face, they all burst into laughter.

Finally Miyo suggested a truce and they all agreed.

3 Hours Later

They all went over to Sean's house and had dinner, when suddenly their phones buzzed.

Running Man Chat

Liu: You guys excited about the party tonight?

Popo: Yeah!

Lonky: You're just excited to see Sola.

Popo: WHAT! I am not!

Lonky: Should I tell her that then?

Popo: No!

Lonky: Well then....

Kuga: Could you guys stop it! I'm trying to have my dinner

Miyo: We'll see you guys then, we'll meet you at the Soul Tree.

Liu: Sure

Liu: Sean! I realised I left my packets of customized tools at your place, could you bring them over?

Sean: Sure see you then

Lonky: Bye

Popo: Bye

Kuga: Bye

Logging off

Rema had read all of this over Miyo's shoulder.

Sean was tinkering something at the table and she seemed to be happy, Rema looked at her.

"Whatcha doing?"

"You'll see, and you'll like it."

"Tell us!"




At Tree City

The other citizens left the sub and walked toward the party chattering and laughing, but Miyo, Rema and Sean were reliving old memories.

Suddenly Sean turned around to see Liu walking toward them along with Kuga, Lonky, Popo, Pala, Helio* and the DV7s, all ready for the party.

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