Chapter 6

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Spin was watching Rema, she didn't seem upset, but then and again, how was he supposed to know.

"So...are you coming?" He asked hesitantly.

"Please come Rema! We're all going, " Sean and Miyo pleaded with her.

She nodded, "Yeah, I'll come."

The two other girls smiled triumphantly.

Sean had Helio had started dating recently, not soon after Spin had announced that they were invited to the council's next discussion with all the tribes. Apparently the Mong tribe had to discuss something important and their presence was required.

"You coming?" Miyo asked Gai, he didn't say much nowadays, in fact all he did was watch.

He turned to her and blinked, "Sure."

"Really?" She was surprised, she didn't expect him to agree so easily.

"Yeah, why not."

Gai was not happy with this arrangement but Miyo had asked and he already could tell that she felt like he was upset with her so he agreed.

"Can we come? Can we? Can we?" Three voices from above called.

"What are you three doing up there?" Gai looked up at his brothers.

"Nothing much, but can we come? Please?"

The effect of three pairs of eyes with a pleading expression was too much.


Rema watched this conversation and smiled, then turned to Spin.

"So when is this thing happening anyway?"

"Today night."

"You're joking."

"Nope, apparently the council likes short notice."

"Or maybe they just didn't want us to come," Kuga said, Pala mumbled something about the unfair justice system and he and Kuga began talking about the new laws.

Sola frowned, "Probably, I wonder why father wasn't invited..."

"I think because you're inheriting the crown soon so if they have any treaties they'll want it to be signed with you." Popo suggested.

"How on earth do you get to know so much about protocol?" She smiled at him teasingly.

"Maybe it's because my fiance is the next Queen, or maybe I'm just smart. Probably both..."

"So now we're both royalty eh, brother?" Lonky nudged him, and they both smiled.

"I can't believe you're next in line for the throne..." Alto said. "And also how on earth did I become King?"

"Good question, I still think I should be King. If you're willing to hand it over...."

They squabbled, sorry, debated, Lonky argued later, about the lineage and Rema watched this all in amusement as Kuku tried to separate them.

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