Chapter 7

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Gai was not ready, at all.

Everyone was chatting about seeing their tribes again and how excited they were, Spin noticed and nudged him.

"There's always a chance they'll forgive you with all the other tribes there."

"Sure. Even if that happens I doubt it'll last," he rolled his eyes.

"The tribe has changed while you've been away."

"Yeah, I guess....."

Spin carried on, encouraged, "if we give them a chance I'm sure they won't disappoint."

Liu was excited, he hadn't seen his tribe since what seemed like forever.

"Hello, I believe it's been a while since we last spoke."

Liu spun around, "King Manus?!"

Manus laughed, "Yes, our tribe was given a part of the committee."

Kali, Valter, Rex, Paru, Rose and Refardo where behind him.

"Is that Helio?" Refardo smiled and greeted him like an old friend.

"I'm guessing you two know each other," Sean smiled.

"Yes, Helio was my inventor before I decided that the throne took up too much of my time."

Lonky interrupted, "WAIT WHAT?! You gave up the throne because it was too much work?"

"Yes, partially, also because King Manus gave me a much higher role in his official circle, I am now much greater than mere Giraf royalty." Refardo sniffed regally, Liu smiled watching this play out.

Paru meanwhile was watching Rose scare the daylights out of Popo and Pala. She noticed Miyo and Kuga, "Do you guys like candy now?"

They both scowled and she grinned cheekily.

Gai heard everyone eventually stop talking and realise that there was one person in the room who hadn't spoken.

"So who are you?" Rex asked, the Valiants watched him.

"I'm Gai," he gave away nothing.

"You seem familiar...." Manus seemed to be thinking.

"Oh yes! I've seen you! You're the previous Running Man Champion, the one who worked for Charming Gold." Paru realised, snapping her fingers.

Gai didn't blink or wince but all his friends did for him.

"Yes, that would be me."

"So you're here for the announcement - Wait! Are you going to be joining them?"

"Joining who for what?" Liu asked but Rex wasn't listening.

"Yeah...They don't know yet."

"Whoopsie!" Paru giggled, Rex glared.

Just then the leaders of the tribes announced their plan.

"We would like you all to go and find the pululu known as the Collector."

"Like the same one Gai told u-" Pala was cut off with a painful kick.

"Yes, the same one Gai told you about." The Mong tribe leader said looking at Gai in disapproval.

"Anyway," the Nyanya leader interrupted. "We want to make sure that we get you back in one piece. We'll be sending the Leo Valiants along with you."

"When will we be leaving?" Popo asked, all the tribe leaders looked away uncomfortably.

"Tomorrow," Sola said softly, everyone stared at her.

"Wait. You knew?!"

"Yeah...I mean you can't be a ruler and not know what's going on in your own country."

Manus nodded approvingly.

"When were you going to tell us?"

"Soon, I just found out recently, I realised when they mentioned the pululu."

The Bars tribe leader cleared his throat impatiently, "are we done? You'll be sent all the information later today."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2021 ⏰

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