Chapter 3

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Miyo felt someone touching her shoulder and she winced.

"It's alright Miyo...It'll be fine."

She opened her eyes and saw her room at the house Frank had forced them to stay in so he could monitor them.

"What?" She struggled then remembered last night. "Gai?"

He nodded and gently held another beaker to her lips, she drank it.

"Why are you still wearing that dumb helmet?"

"The house is bugged."


"Anything you say is recorded, I've temporarily dismantled them."

"So -"

"You can't tell anyone else, ok?"

"Why not?"

"I'll tell them when the time is right."

"Fine, thanks for the salve and potion," she paused. "Do you know who shot me?"

"You're welcome, stay safe Miyo, alright?" He gave her a quick hug and before she could react he was gone.

She was reflecting on this moment later when she realised Gai had never answered her question.

Rema was worried, she hadn't heard Miyo come back, she paced up and down the room then decided to go check on her. She opened the door and saw Miyo staring out the open window.

"You okay?"

"Yeah...fine..." Miyo said sadly.

"What happened?"


"Kei said you were shot, by whom?"

"I don't know," she shrugged helplessly.

"Did he say something? Tell me Miyo."

The noise was waking everyone up, soon they were all in the living room discussing what had happened.

"GUYS!" Liu said, they all turned to look at him. "We'll ask Kei over tomorrow and talk about it at Sean's house, it's safer there. For now let's go to sleep."

Gai was walking home, he enjoyed being alone nowadays, when his phone buzzed. It was Liu.

Liu: Can you come over to Sean's house? I've sent the address

Kei: Sure

Liu: See you then

Gai sighed then teleported home to his brothers giving them the food he had bought. So much for some alone time, he shrugged then headed over to Sean's house.

He knocked on the door, "Hey guys?"

Liu opened it and smiled, "We're all outside."

He followed him through the house silently, Liu looked at him curiously, he seemed so familiar.

Gai was suddenly worried, he trusted Miyo but what if she had told them who he was?

"Kei!" That was Rema, Spin looked at him and nodded.

"Hey everyone."

"So you're our mysterious Kei huh?" Alto said, looking him over while Kuku floated above his head.

"Yeah...Is there a reason you called me here?" He asked cautiously.

"We want to know who's trying to get us." Liu said.

Gai was surprised, there were more attempts?

"What else has happened?"

"Someone tried to kidnap Rema..." Spin said angrily, Rema patted his shoulder.

"All he got was a bunch of scars though," she smiled.

Miyo looked at Gai/Kei, he wasn't doing anything so she poked him. Hard.

"Ow! What was that for?"

"What are you doing?"

"Thinking. How is that a crime?" He winced and looked at his shoulder.

"How am I supposed to know that."

"Well, it's not my fault you don't understand my genius."

"I disagree, it's because you're wearing that stupid helmet."

"So? I don't deserve bruises for it!"

Miyo laughed slightly then realised everyone was staring at them, she shrugged.

Suddenly Kei turned around and muttered something. Not after a few seconds there was a banging at the door.

"Detective Frank! Open up!"

"Frank?" Liu said, opening the door. When they turned around to see Kei he had disappeared.

They all crowded around the pompous pululu.

"We have video evidence of this Ninja Kei speaking to Gai, the Mong criminal, our sources say he was spotted not soon after around here."

He played the video, it showed Kei shaking hands with Gai and passing him a package.

"You'll be safe now, go I think they're coming." They both jumped out of view and the recording ended.

They all looked at each other.

"Of course sir, we'll let you know if that Kei comes here."

Gai watched Frank amused, that fool of a detective had fallen quite easily into his trap. All he had to do was make a clone of himself without a helmet shake hands with him. He laughed silently to himself, when Frank had left he jumped down from the tree he had gone up.

"You've seen Gai! And you didn't think to tell us?"

They all were upset and he felt guilty for not telling them.

"Gotcha!" A wild, crazed voice howled, he sidestepped as Frank threw himself at him.

"I knew it! I knew Kei was hiding here! Haha!"

Gai looked at Frank in undisguised disgust.

"Listen Frank, you may think you understand what's going on but you don't. I'm warning you now, if you and I cross paths again, you won't get to tell anyone your amazing discovery. Ever." He said in voice that even scared himself.

"Y-you think that's going to s-stop me? I'm going to tell the w-world." The pululu scurried off.

"You need to tell them." Miyo said, everyone turned to look at her.

"Tell us what?" Liu asked, surprised, Miyo looked away.

"Yeah tell us, you never even told us how you survived that time with Manus."

"That's because..." Miyo met his gaze then said sadly. "He's Gai."

"WHAT?!" They all turned back to him, Miyo, he thought, now was not the best time.

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