Chapter 4

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"Gai?! Whaaat?" Popo exclaimed.

"I knew you weren't dead!" Liu hugged him and Kuga gave him a fist bump.

"But boy, you certainly have been working out. I never knew you were so strong. And scary, Frank's going to have a few nightmares alright." Lonky looked him over and Gai was wondering if it was a Giraf tribe trait.

"So...why?" Rema asked the question he'd been dreading, why he had decided to be Kei.

"I needed to disappear for a while, Frank was too close for my liking." He shrugged, Rema didn't seem convinced but dropped it.

"I need to tell you guys everything I know but I have to check on my brothers first." He waved at them and disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Miyo was sitting in a tree.

"Miyo? You coming down?" Spin called, he seemed to act odd around Rema recently.

"Is this to do with Rema?" She asked not really meaning anything but when Spin blushed and stammered something undecipherable she became curious.

"N-no? Why would you ask such a thing? T-that's ridiculous."

"So that's why you were so upset..." He scowled at her and disappeared.

"You Mongs are so possessive...." she said to no one in particular.

"Well, we used to be slaves so we could hardly give up our earnings for free could we?" A voice said from right beside her.

"Gai! When did you get up here?"

"Sorry, did I scare you?" he grinned.

"No, how could you scare me?" He smiled at her, she hadn't changed much.

Gai realised he needed to tell his friends what he knew now, otherwise they couldn't protect themselves.

"We should probably get going, you all need to know who's trying to get you."

He jumped down from the tree and landed gracefully, Miyo landed beside him. They walked back to Sean's house in comfortable silence.

Kuga was trying to strangle Lonky, as usual, and everyone else was trying to separate them.

"Gai! You're back," Liu smiled.

"Yeah, I left my brothers some stuff to keep them busy, and hopefully out of trouble."

Liu was still trying to process the fact that Kei was Gai, he couldn't believe his friend had deceived them, and had done it so well.

" about we sit down and talk over dinner?"


Everyone watched Gai but was trying to pretend they weren't, their Mong friend had saved them so many times but they hadn't realised who he was. Liu had had his suspicions, of course, but he just couldn't make himself believe them.

"You guys are being chased by a person who calls himself The Collector -"

"Wait, The Collector?" Pala wondered why anyone would call themselves The Collector.

"I have heard...of this Collector...he is supposed to collect different people from every tribe," Makhan spoke softly.

"Where have you heard this from? He is not supposed to be known by many."

"I once heard the tribe elders speaking about him when one of our warriors disappeared."

Gai nodded, "yes, seems correct, all your leaders should know about him, he has stolen many over the years."

"Wait, what?" Rema was confused. "Our leaders know about this and there have been absolutely no missions taken place?"

"Yes, though the Nyanya tribe is known for their spying techniques and stealth all the tribes stopped trying after many went missing."

"Wait, wait, wait. Hold up, how would you know so much about our tribes?" Alto was dubious, "I mean, come on guys, I know you are a ninja and all but how on earth could your tribe have so much info on ours?"

"Yeah good question. Gai?"

Everyone soon noticed the communication that was going on between Spin and Gai.

"We..our tribe..has spies posted around everywhere..."

"Sure, but spying on the Nyanya tribe...that's dangerous."

"I understand that the main reason your tribe joined the competition was to spy on Charming Gold but surely it's a known fact by now about our stealth techniques."

Miyo had stayed silent this whole time, she had watched this conversation and now spoke.

"Yes, that was supposed to be classified but you must have inside sources."

"We do, in fact those so called reliable sources were supposed to inform you that you were being followed."

Spin muttered something that sounded a lot like, "reliable sources?! Ha! You could rely better on a banana than them...."

"A banana?" Rema laughed, Gai looked amused as well.

"Well, at least they're called reliables sources..."

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