Chapter 2

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Miyo was following the figure when suddenly she noticed them stiffen, she knew the sign so she ducked into an alley just as they turned around and she caught a glimpse of the face, or helmet. Kei.

He seemed to sense something so he teleported toward her through the pululus. Miyo ducked into the crowd and felt eyes burning into her back, at first she wanted to follow Kei but now she changed her mind. She turned around and walked into a group of Nyans and followed them toward the buffet, but suddenly a group of pululus were pushing past everyone and she felt something stab her in the shoulder. She tried to say something but no noise came out of her mouth, the people blurred in front of her and she fell.

"Miyo? Are you ok?" A familiar voice drifted in and out of her consciousness.

"G-gai?" She opened her eyes.

Kei stiffened, "No, I'm Kei, Ninja Kei."

"Sorry Kei, I thought you were -"

"Gai, yeah." He shrugged, Miyo's vision stopped spinning and she tried to get up. Her legs felt like jelly and she fell, Kei gently lifted her up and placed her back on the bed.

"W-who are you?"

"I told you Kei."

"No, who are you, why do you keep helping us?"

"I'm a ninja, I help people."

Miyo felt her head spin again and she groaned, Kei touched her forehead lightly.

"I'm going to go get some stuff from the healers, stay here."

"I don't think I could go anywhere even if I wanted to."

He gave her a two-fingered salute and disappeared.

Miyo looked around the room and everything seemed familiar, but there was something that just didn't fit in, suddenly she remembered the salute Kei gave and realised what it was.

Miyo looked around the room and everything seemed familiar, but there was something that just didn't fit in, suddenly she remembered the salute Kei gave and realised what it was

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It was exactly the same one Gai gave.

"Gai?" She whispered before the drowsiness overtook her and everything became black.

At The Party

Sean was looking at the stars, the dancers, the Soul Tree, anywhere but him. Helio was sitting down and fidgeting with his fingers, he saw Sean and stood up.

"Would you like to dance?"

Sean stared at him for a moment then realised she had to answer, "S-sure."

He swept her away and soon they blended in with the crowd of dancing couples. Soon enough she saw Rema and Spin and she smirked at Rema, Rema smirked right back at her, they both then got distracted by the dancing and were separated.

At Kei's House

Kei was soon gently shaking her awake, she blinked and sat up.

"Here take this, it'll soothe the pain." He held it against her lips and she drank it, soon she felt it flowing throughout her body and the pain faded.

He also had a healing salve and some bandages, she looked at her shoulder.

"What happened?"

He didn't reply, she got angry.

"What happened Kei?" She felt much better and was now ready to claw him.

"Gai! Why won't you answer me?"

"I'm not Gai," He said in a placid tone. "Why do you keep calling me that?"

Miyo was furious, that dumb monkey! Pretending that he wasn't a dumb monkey.

In a burst of strength she got up and pulled the helmet of his head and for a moment she was worried that it wasn't Gai and that it was a foolish mistake. He turned away before she could see his face but not before she caught a glimpse of his eyes.

"Why won't you answer me? I care about you Gai."

"Miyo you were shot with a sedative. You're lucky I was there," Kei/Gai said without emotion  turning around.

There was no stammering and blushing as she expected and it made her feel surprisingly sad.

"Why Gai?"

"Because you're all in danger and I can't help you if the police are after me can I?"

"But why hide from us?" Miyo was confused, what had happened to Gai, her Gai?

"There is nowhere safe, nowhere but perhaps here."

The strength she had had worn off and she slumped back onto her pillow and looked at Gai.

"I love you Gai." She said softly, taking his hand.

He held it but didn't reply and she felt like he was miles away.

I want him back the way he was. I want him back, she chanted to herself as she fell asleep.

Kei was scouting the streets when he heard voices.


"Where are you? We'll be late and Frank will not let us leave the house again."

Kei scowled, now Frank kept them on curfew, the Running Men had saved him countless times!


He silently leaped down from a roof and faced the people, it was Rema and Sean.

"Hey, what are you two looking for?"

"Kei? Have you seen Miyo?"

Kei was now debating whether to tell them the truth or not when he noticed Rema looking close to tears and relented.

"Yeah, someone tried to shoot her with a sedative but she's fine now."

"What?!" They both shrieked in unison.

"She's fine, I've given her a salve and I'll return her by tonight. But she needs some time to rest or she won't recover."

"Very well, but if she isn't back we will find you and hunt you down."

"Of course."

He nodded and disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Rema was noticing how he seemed quite concerned about Miyo when Sean called her and she forgot what her train of thought was.

(Hi everyone, I would like some feedback so please let me know in the comments.)

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