Chapter 5

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Miyo noticed that Gai didn't look at her once, he just refused to meet her gaze. Gai had just explained The Collector's motive and they all went back to their own rooms, she followed Gai at a distance. He went up to his brothers and they spoke, she continued walking forward when one of Gai's brothers (the dark haired one, Mai) nodded toward her and the three of them left. She was left alone with Gai.

Gai turned to see Miyo, he smiled at her and she nodded back.

"So do you want to -"

"Ok, spill the beans, what was the real reason you became Kei?"

"I told you during dinner, it was because of Frank and -"

"I know but I don't believe it," Miyo didn't blink, he began to panic internally, she could never find out.

"Why not? I did save you and all when you were hurt..."

"And? I don't see how -" she stopped and remembered what she said that night, I love you Gai.

"Hmm?" He smirked and she wanted to scratch him so badly.

"That didn't mean anything! I was just rambling because of the medicine! I didn't mean it."

"Mean what?" He looked puzzled, she scowled at him.

That monkey! Now he wanted her to repeat it! Oh well that wasn't happening.

"I must've dreamed that I said something. Oh well, but I still never got my reply."

He smiled at her discomfort and she felt her cheeks flush, since when did I start blushing and how is he managing to stay so calm?

"Don't worry, sleeping medicine does that...I became Kei because - well - I knew you all couldn't trust me, I mean I was a traitor."

"But we all forgave you."

"Sure, but don't tell me you haven't thought about whether I really can be trusted. After all...Once a traitor always a traitor," he laughed bitterly.

Miyo looked at him, truly looked and saw all the pain he hid underneath his face. His mask.

But then she looked at herself, she hid her emotions beneath her own mask. How could she blame him for doing the same?

Why did you dislike the looks he gave you Miyo? It wasn't because you didn't like him.

No, it wasn't, she realised. It was because he seemed to be able to look through her mask and the looks he gave her touched the person underneath.

Gai watched her, she seemed to be deep in thought, he waited patiently then gently touched her arm.

"Miyo? You ok? You should be getting back, they'll be waiting for you."

"Yeah, sure, um - see you later," she muttered as she walked back, but as she left he heard her say, I guess we all wear masks that no one can see.

He waited until she reached the house, then turned around and walked back home.

I guess we all wear masks that no one can see, looks like I've been found out. He smiled, he knew that she would be the first to figure it out, she knew how he felt.


"What is it?"

"Zai took my food!"

I guess I'll have to figure this out later, right now I have brothers to look after.

Just a note: 

Gai's Brothers

Lai: Second oldest, black hair

Mai: Second youngest, blue hair

Zai:  Youngest, green hair

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