Chapter 4 - Dessert

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After dinner, the two of you walked through the park. You weren't holding hands because you had met him only two days ago, but you felt comfortable with him.

"So you mentioned that you were a teacher. How is that?" You said awkwardly. 'What a boring topic Y/n. Ugh. Idiot.'  Internally, Shota was panicking. He didn't want you to know about what he truly was because A: He hoped you would like him for who he really was, not his title and B: He didn't want you telling people.

"It's okay. The school's good and the facilities are nice." You nodded in response. "And what do you do? You didn't really explain on texts before."

"Well, I help all kinds of people and organizations. Two days ago- the day I met you actually, I helped astrophysicists solve the equation to find the center of a black hole. Well, I didn't help. I'm more like an answer checker."

"Wow. That's amazing." You blushed and tucked your hair behind your ear.

"I do small things like that all the time. More importantly, I've been working with the National Cancer Institute to find the cure-"

"If you can see if a statement is true or not, can't you kind of use your quirk to tell the future?"

"People have asked me that before, but no. I can't." Shota hummed. You felt your hands brush against each other and your pulse quickened. Unfortunately, you didn't act at the moment, and you chickened out.

"Hey. Do you wanna go to that cafe?" Shota pointed to a small cafe full of people. You nodded.

The lights were yellow and the floors were shiny, probably cleaned recently. You stood in line with Shota and you both ordered a simple coffee.

When the two of you sat down at a table, your eyes unconsciously kept wandering towards the display full of desserts. 'Mmm. Fuck it all looks so good but I don't want to eat too much in front of Shota.' You thought. 'Hmmmmmm... that tart looks good. And that cake. And those cookies. Oh god. Once I get home I'll-'

"Y/n? Are you okay?"

"Huh? Yeah. I'm okay."

"Did you hear what I was saying?" You blushed.

"No, sorry my mind was a little occupied." 'Oof. I hope he doesn't think I'm bored with him.'

"Is it the desserts? I saw you looking at them..." You blushed harder.

"Yeah... it is. I love sweets."

"Maybe that's why you asked for my number." Shota said with a mischievous smirk.

"I do believe you were the one who implied I should ask for it." You said defiantly.

"Anyways, I'll go get you something so you'll pay more attention to me. Honestly, you're like my students... I wonder if I can buy their attention with sweets too..." You watched as Shota went back into the line. He must've had a hair trim since you met because his hair couldn't be much longer than shoulder level. Luckily, from your angle, his hair wasn't the only thing you could see. The white dress shirt he was wearing was tight and outlined his back and shoulder muscles. 'Mmm. Yummy.' Internally, you slapped yourself. 'Calm down. You're not a hormonal teenager anymore. I wonder though... what does he think of my dress?'  You turned around and looked out the giant windows.

At that moment, Shota turned around and snuck a peek at you. A small smile appeared on his face. Unfortunately the moment was ruined when he felt a buzz in his pocket. Reluctantly, he pulled out his phone.

When he came back to you he looked sheepish and embarrassed.

"Uh, I need to go pretty soon-" You raised an eyebrow.

"Why? Have another date?" You said teasing him. He rolled his eyes.

"No, but I can  walk you home." So you and Shota ended your date and walked back towards your apartment. Although you were a little disappointed about not getting something sweet, you thought the date was a big success. The car and street lights lit up the pathway in the dark. Every now and then your swaying arms would cause your hands to brush against each other. When the street got dark, your hands brushed again, but this time Shota took hold of yours firmly. Finally, you got to your apartment. You stood in your doorway sheepishly wondering if he was going to kiss you.

"Here." Shota handed you a white box. "I'll text you later. I had a good time."

"Yeah me too."


"Goodnight." He walked back towards the elevator and left you without a kiss. 'Idiot. Why did you say no earlier?! I bet he thinks you aren't interested anymore!'  You closed your door and looked at the white box. It was from the cafe. Your eyes widened as you opened it. There was a fruit tart, three different cake slices, two cupcakes, and three cookies. Inside the box he had written,

You ran out of your apartment looking for Shota

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You ran out of your apartment looking for Shota. You pressed the elevator buttons, but it took too long so instead you ran down fifteen flights of stairs to ground level. You ran out into the street looking for him.

"Shota!" You shouted.

"Y/n?" He appeared behind you. "What is it?" You threw yourself at him and kissed him. At first he was surprised, but then he relaxed and rested his hands on your waist. Like an embarrassed school girl, just as soon as you kissed him, you ran away back to your apartment. Shota just shook his head and laughed.

Shota Aizawa x Fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now