Chapter 8 - Hero

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"God Hizashi I have to tell her." Shota paced back and forth in Present Mic's living room. "We had sex, and she doesn't even know who I really am!"

"You should have told her ages ago!"

"Shut up! I know!"

"I'm just saying Shota-"

"Shut up! You're so loud." Hizashi's eyes got a little teary. He was very sensitive to being called loud. Shota saw his best friend get pouty, and he rolled his eyes and hugged him.

"Sorry. I'm sorry Zashi."

"It's okay."

"I'm an idiot. I shouldn't have yelled at you, and I shouldn't have kept any secrets from her."

"Just tell her. She seems nice and forgiving. I don't think anything bad will happen."

"Okay. You're right." He got out his phone and texted you asking you to meet him at his house.

An hour later

You sat cross legged on Shota's couch watching him pace back and forth.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes... no. Okay, so here's the thing. I'm not who you think I am." You raised an eyebrow.

"What does that mean?"

"I'm not just a teacher." You blinked a few times, you were still confused.

"I don't get it." Shota inhaled deeply and exhaled loudly.

"I'm a teacher at UA." Your eyes widened.

"You're a hero."





"COOL! What's your hero name?"

"Eraser Head." Your jaw dropped and you jumped off the couch.

"You're kidding right?!"

"No... why?"

"You're like best friends with Present Mic!"

"Ugh. Is that what he's been saying on his radio show and podcasts?"

"YES! Did Present Mic really pretend that you both had died?"


"And did you really pretend to exorcise Present Mic?!"


"Are the two of you really best friends? Have you really known each other since you were kids? Did you really sleep in the same bed? Remember that time when your cat pissed in it, and the two of you thought the other peed during the night?"

"Yes. That really happened." You sat back on the couch flushed. This was an amazing thing.

"Can I meet him? Please?!"

"You're not mad at me?"

"Why would I be?"

"Because I didn't tell you about who I really was."

"That's okay. I completely understand. You're a hero. You don't want anyone blowing your cover." Aizawa gave a little smile and sat down next to you.

"Thank-you for being understanding." He buried his nose into your hair, and started giving you little kisses on your neck. You giggled happily.


"Let me have my fun."

"Can I meet Present Mic? Please?!"


"YES!" Shota rolled his eyes at his crazy fangirling girlfriend.

Shota Aizawa x Fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now