Chapter 13

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Jungkook was lost in thought. He couldn't find any clue. He had no idea about why Taehyung wasn't jealous at all.

Jungkook was walking around with girls, spending time and flirting with them. Still Taehyung didn't give a shit. Didn't Taehyung like him? Then he should have been jealous.

Just then, Taehyung was approaching Jungkook . Jungkook stood up and ran in front of him. Taehyung rolled off his eyes.

"Move aside",Taehyung said.

"I won't. What would you do? "

"Are you joking?  Then I can go by the other side. "

Jungkook leaned closer and asked Taehyung, " What if I don't let you go? What would you do? "

Taehyung laughed, making Jungkook shocked.

"You aren't crazy, right? Are you trying to flirt? Go and find someone else",Taehyung said and left Jungkook shocked.

"Did I lose other's interest on me? Let me check " Jungkook thought.

He saw a girl sitting on a bench. He went to her and bent down.

"Hey!" He said with a smile.

"Oh, hi! " The girl replied and looked at him.

"Tell me how much water do a human's body contain? "

The girl was confused of why he was asking that. But she replied, "90%"

" But my body is still thirsty for you ",Jungkook said with a deep voice, making the girl almost sat there on her knees.

He was happy inside. But still confused of why Taehyung was behaving like that. He decided to end this confusion and be happy with Lisa.

               A few Days Later

Lisa was rubbing Jungkook's d*ck with her b**bs , still that didn't become hard a little. She was sucking, licking and rubbing again, but still of no use. She become disappointed.

"Agh! Jungkook! This is so sad. This didn't even became a little hard. This is so useless. "

Jungkook felt angry as she always kept saying this. He shouted, "You're the useless one. You can't make it hard. That's it. "

"What i-"

Both of the stopped as suddenly the class's door opened. Jungkook looked there to see a surprised Taehyung standing there, mouth wide open.

"What the f-" Taehyung said. He couldn't believe they were doing such a thing there. But Jungkook noticed how good Taehyung was. His beautiful face, little mouth, attractive eyes, kissable lips and everything. He felt his member tickling.

"What are you doing here? I'll be happy if you leave us alone",Lisa said Taehyung, waking Jungkook from his dream.

Taehyung didn't say a word. He just looked at Jungkook, with a dissapointed smile. Taehyung's eyes were bound with Jungkook's. Jungkook felt like something was bouncing in his heart. Taehyung got out of the room almost crying.

  Jungkook ran to him. Lisa tried to stop him.

"Where are you going? ",She said.

"Can't you see where am I going? Lemme go. "

"Why do you care about him so much? He isn't anything more than a spoiled brat ",Lisa said with a evil smile.

"You bloody Bitch! " Jungkook slapped Lisa. His expression was revealing that he could have chop her. She started to cry.

"Don't you dare to talk about him like that. I'm gonna cut your tongue. "

  Jungkook ran and found Taehyung in the backyard of the school. He went to Taehyung.

*Cough*Sorry for her-

"Why did you come here? ",Taehyung said, not letting him finish his sentence. He didn't even look at Jungkook. His back was facing Jungkook.

"I came to say sorry for her behavior. She was too rude. "

"But she's your girlfriend. You should have stand for her. "

Jungkook was silent. Taehyung was right. Why did he come to him?

Taehyung looked back and crossed his arm.

"What am I to you? A puppet or a beggar? "

"You're my good friend. "Jungkook said.

"Good Friend? " Taehyung laughed. "Well. I'm surprised. Not even an enemy would betray like you did. But you were right. I deserve that."

Jungkook was silent. " But you were the one who betrayed me at first, didn't you? "

"I know I was the one. But I didn't think you would really fall for me. You were not a homophobic as long as I know. But this is not the first time I said sorry. I have told you how I feel. "

Jungkook looked at Taehyung and said, " you're not a homophobic, are you? Then why do you beg for me? "

Taehyung was out of his word. Jungkook changed the game.

"I - I'm...."

Jungkook stopped forward and went so closer that Taehyung could feel his breath. Jungkook pulled his chin and made him look at Jungkook's eyes.

" I don't think you need me. And I don't want to be in an one-sided love. That's why I try to ignore you.  But How can I know if you're homo or hetero? "

Taehyung was confused. He was unsure of what Jungkook wants. Jungkook laughed watching the elder so confused.

Taehyung felt nervous and went backward. He couldn't think of any way to let jungkook know if he's homo or hetero. Jungkook was teasing him by laughing more.

Taehyung left the place. Jungkook stopped laughing.

"I don't know what you are. But I'm sure that I'm into you. "

(Sorry for late upload. I'm busy with my study. From now on, I will be uploading a part on every two or one week. Please follow me and vote me so that I can know if you love my stories) 🤧🥀

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