Chapter 21

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Everything was going smoothly. Jungkook and Taehyung?! Yes. They were passing a very good time, making memory with each other. Their friends were also happy with each other.

Meanwhile, Jungkook's Dad understood his mistake and wanted to do something for his only son. He decided to go to his college and surprise him. Then he will meet with Jungkook's lover. He was almost sure that he would love his son's lover. He would take her just as his own daughter.

(Poor Uncle. Why don't  you say like your own son instead?!)

Jungkook's father arrived at the school. He asked the receptionist for his room number. He went there just to see the empty room. After asking for an hour, he finally got his location.

"Where did you see him? " He asked.

"I saw him there",Lisa pointed at a room and smiled.

His father smiled back and said, "Thank you."

"My pleasure. I am glad to see that I helped you. "

Jungkook's father walked to the room. That was a classroom. Lisa smirked as soon as he left.

She murmured angrily, "I didn't want to destroy your happiness. But I can't miss the chance when it came to me of it's own. After everything you did to me. The way you treated me and betrayed me. I will let you see my bad side. "

               {In the Classroom}

"A-agh... Jungkook... Stop... Now.... I can't...." , Taehyung said holding his breath.

"Wait. I am almost there. "

"Ugh.... Yes.... The students... Ahh.. They are g-gonna come soon. "

Jungkook smirked and whispered, "Let me cum first. "

Taehyung lost his breath. He couldn't say anything. What's the point of saying when Jungkook won't listen?!

A few more times later, Jungkook and Taehyung finished their work. They dressed up and prepared themselves. Taehyung was about to go out. But Jungkook grabbed his wrist.

Taehyung looked with a "what" face. Jungkook pulled Taehyung toward him. He looked in his eyes and said, "I love you".

Taehyung giggled at his cuteness and said, "I love you,too. How many times do you want to say? "

"As much as I can",Jungkook said.

The gap between them started to fill. The lips were about to meet each other.

But they got distracted when someone opened the door. Jungkook looked there with a disgusting face. But soon it turned into a fear.

"Dad?! "Jungkook said, he was shocked.

His Dad was as shocked as him. He wasn't ready to see his son kissing another boy. He stood there with a blank face.

Taehyung slapped in Jungkook's hand and whispered to move. Jungkook moved away and walked to his father.

"Look, Dad! This isn't what you think. Let me explain -"

His dad started to leave them behind and walk away angrily. Jimin and others have also reached there. They saw Lisa laughing and asked her what happened.

She simply explained like nothing happened. "They got what they deserve. "

Jimin was about to slap her but Yoongi stopped him.

"Why did you stop me? Are you supporting her? " Jimin asked yoongi.

"I don't  want your hands to get dirty by slapping her. She's acting like a garbage now. Let's make things okay first", yoongi said and glared at Lisa.

Namjoon looked at her and opened his mouth," I thought you will be good . But you proved me wrong. Probably you are getting more dusty. "

Lisa laughed and said, "Well. I am not gonna change. And remember? I am gonna destroy their relationships. "

"We will throw you on your place before that",Jin said.

Lisa looked at him angrily and asked, "What did you mean by that? "

"Dustbin",Hoseok spoke and left for Jungkook. Others followed him, leaving an angry Lisa behind.

"Dad, please listen. Don't go.
Wait! "Jungkook kept on calling for his dad and ran toward him. He finally managed to catch him.

His father looked at him angrily and asked, "What do you want to say? "

"Let me explain. "

"Explain what? How did you kiss a boy? Or why did you kiss a boy? I don't  wanna know anything. "

"Dad, please. Don't be so hard on me. I can explain. "

"Explain what? Just tell me one thing. "

"What's that? "

"Who is he? Why did I find you in such a situation? " He said while pointing at Taehyung.

Taehyung's face darkened. He looked at Jungkook and then back at the ground.

"Dad. He is Kim Taehyung."

"And your relationship with him? "

Jungkook was silent. Everyone was looking at him. His father asked again and again. Taehyung looked at Jungkook helplessly.

Jungkook finally made up his mind and shutted his eyes down. "He is my lover. I love him. "

The hallway filled witha sound of slapping on skin. His dad placed a hard slap in his cheeks. Tears started to fall down from Jungkook's eyes.

"That's why your mom gave birth? To see such a day? We gave everything you want. You gave us this as a return. Really, Jungkook? I came here to arrange your marriage with your lover. But I never expected you to marry another man. "

"Dad, I am sorry. But I am in love with him. I can do anything for him. It isn't that bad. Trust me. He won't let us down. "

Jungkook's dad was about to slap him again but a strong grip in his wrist stopped him. Jungkook looked at the person and saw Taehyung. Fire was burning in his eyes.

"You dared to touch me? After doing such a thing? " Jungkook's father yelled.

"I don't have any plan to touch you. But don't you hurt him again. I won't let you touch my-" Taehyung stopped as Jungkook shouted at him.

"What are you doing? He is my father. Please don't talk to him like that",Jungkook was crying.

Taehyung's heart melt. The burning fire turned into a melting ice. He sat down in front of Jungkook's dad and placed his hands together.

"Sorry, uncle. I am really sorry. I didn't mean to act like that. But I really love him. I just don't want to see him get hurt. Please don't get me wrong. And forgive him",Taehyung also broke in tears as he couldn't bear the pain of Jungkook.

Jungkook's father didn't say anything. He left the place. Everyone was gone slowly. Jimin and others tried to comfort them.

Taehyung slowly approached Jungkook and asked, "Are you gonna leave me now? "

Jungkook didn't say anything. He started to go to his room.

Taehyung slowly murmured, "But you promised me that you will stay with me forever. No matter what. I don't want you to leave me again. "

Jungkook heard and stopped. " Did I say I will leave you? I told dad about us.  I could have simply leave you by saying we are just friends and everything was a joke. I really love you. I am just upset and can't look at your sad face. That's why I am going to my room."

Taehyung looked at Jungkook and hugged him. "I will always support you Jungkook. Don't be weak. Stay strong. We can go through anything."

Jungkook smiled and wrapped his arm around him. "I know. We will be together. Don't worry. Our love can win anything and anyone over. Just stay with me. "

(Thank you for reading. I am trying to end this as soon as possible. Vote my stories. That helps me to improve and inspires me a lot.)

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