Chapter 11: The reaper

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as they head to the area the reaper was found at the group starts to wonder "Well we have to be ready for anything because this will be it before we get to Izanami-no-okami guys" ze said as they all summoned their keyblades. "Well this is what all our battles were for the hardest one in the battle" chilled said as the reaper showed up out of nowhere ."Whoa why now cant we get ready!" smarty said as him and galm paired up ready for their dual attack as everyone gets ready themselves as the crew started to engage the reaper. "You guys need to weaken the reaper for you to kill it with your dual attacks use some of your elemental skills on the reaper that should weaken it some then finish it off with your dual attacks!" Lucia told everyone "OK!" they all said (use the battle music here) as the reaper suddenly started to shoot at the group with super fast speed. "Whoa hold up i got you guys reflect! "GaLm said as a ball of light formed around the group sending the bullets right back at him hurting him substantially. "Nice one GaLm ill help out too" smarty said as he sent a blast of wind at the reaper hitting him like a wreaking ball sending it backwards. "Yes! i got it!". "Great work smarty" tom said as the reaper started to get back up again. "Oh no you don't" chilled says as he jumps in the air slashing the reaper with one good strike. "There ya go chilled!" ze said as the reaper shot a card sending a purple circle forming around the group "Whoa so the reaper knows mudo we have to do something quick!" chilled said as the group tired to escape "Wait i have something that can help us!" ze said as the ring was about the kill them he called out "Evade Dark!" suddenly the ring disappeared not killing them at all "yes! it worked great job ze!" GaLm said as the reaper screeched in anger at his failed attempt at killing the crew he tried to summon another mudo but just as he was GaLm hit him with a blast of lighting knocking him down"Yes! that did the trick!" GaLm said as he started hitting the reaper with multiple slices when suddenly the reaper knocked galm off of him sending him flying but he landed on his feet just in time"Damn this bastard just wont die!" galm yelled as he collected himself "Guys hes about to do something be careful!" Lucia said as the reaper shot another card sending lighting down on the crew everyone dodged except smarty hitting him directly he fell down unconscious from the attack. "Smarty no!" everyone said as they ran to him the reaper shot another card sending a ball of fire down to them "No! chilled says as he try's to block the fire but its no use it hits chilled directly knocking him down ."This is getting out of hand ill change the tide of battle for you guys Oracle!!" as she said this a ball of light came out of nowhere causing the reaper to lose most of its health. "Whoa what was that Lucia?'. "That was oracle its a move that can change the tide of the whole battle good or bad..." "So this move can work in our favor and kill us" GaLm said as he looked at Lucia with a confused look. "Yeah sorry about that" "Hey ze heal both of them so we can finish this thing" tom asked ze. "Okay ill heal them Mediarama!" as he said that a green light formed around smarty and chilled. "Thanks ze we owe you a lot man" they said. "Don't worry about it lets just use our dual attacks and end this!" ze said as everyone got set up for their attacks "Okay we all need to aim perfectly at it no mistakes got it" ze said to everyone they started enchanting. "Here goes" chilled said "You ready buddy". "Yeah I'm ready" ze said as everyone set their sights on the reaper."as we are all here we combine our powers into one sending all that try to defeat us into hell now Perish!" ze said as they all sent their powers straight to the reaper destroying it completely. "Yes! we did it we finally did it!" GaLm said as the crew congratulated themselves on their well earned victory. "Uh-uh not so fast you fools!" A voice from somewhere said. "Who's there! show yourselves!" ze said as he looked in the direction of the voice. "But you know who i am ze" the voice said as it walked forward into the light. "no way....T-this cant be" ze said with a scared tone. "whats wrong ze its just you.."

Oh damn son its the shadow from the earlier chapters whats ze gonna do but anyways i wanna thank you guys for reading my story i really appreciate you all thank you for  the support to it and hope you have a good day bye Wielders!

D.T.D.A.L (a Persona,Kingdom hearts, and Youtube fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now