Chapter:15 The others

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this chapter is going to be in zes pov so yeah

~Ze's pov~

when we got to the place lucia had found i was amazed at what it was. It was a field of roses overlooking a gigantic pond in the distance"This is amazing Lucia this would be a great place for tom to be buried at" GaLm said as he walked up to me "Hey...are you okay you know...from the recent being" i looked at him not knowing what to say so i just said the one thing that came to mind "I dont know..i dont feel anything right now i didnt belive this would happen well none of us did but now look where we are in some wierd version of our world and our best friend is dead...all because of me" i started to bawl tears while minx came to comfort me. "hey dont worry ze this is only one problem we can get this fixed we just have to belive in ourselves right?" i looked at her with red puffy eyes "y-yeah i guess your right" as i fixed my self up smarty found a good spot for tom to be buried at "Hey guys! i found a spot" he yelled as started running to the gorup i thought Chillled why...why did you succumb to the darkness "Hey! ze you there man" GaLm said as it snapped me out of my thoughts Y-yeah sorry about that man lets just (sigh) get this over with okay. We started digging a grave for tom and in no time we were finished. "If you guys have anything to say..say it now or forever hold your peace" Lucia said to the whole group GaLm went first "..i...i didnt think that this would happen if i did i would have stopped it before it happened" galm said as he dropped a rose in the grave. smarty your turn i said looking directly up at the sky trying to hold back tears. "Well i wanted to say im sorry for all the shit i gave you man im....really really sorry tom goodbye my friend" he said as he droped his rose into the grave "Ze do you have anything to say" Lucia asked me yeah i do...well here goes...(sigh) tom i-i didnt mean to get you  killed i should have known something was going to happen when chilled succumbed but i wasnt strong enough to stop it and....and....and i-i-im sorry.....i will avenge you and bring chilled back i promise...we will see you soon as i said that GaLm and smarty lifted his body into the grave and covered it back up with dirt i stabbed his keyblade into the grave symoblizing he is there...Okay now the plan for minx's group. "So minx" i said "whats the plan to get the others of your group back" Well it wont be easy to deal with them but with your skills i think you can beat them just use your skills and youll be fine" oh okay then i said while looking at the grave well lets go we have some work to do...

Hello~ people we have at least ten more chapters till the finale so get hyped for the most bye wielders

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