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The sun was gone, completely immersed in an ocean of night. Danny sat near the window in his room. He let the wind come in and bring him the caresses that the sun had send for him from the other part of the world. Danny read one page after another. For him, it was so hard to focus at first as he was not much of a reader himself, even though he enjoyed reading short poems. Danny was so determined to read and know about this book that Aurora had assigned for him. So he skipped dinner to make time to read. He wanted to prove to her that he is not as stupid as she thinks he is.

' If she wanted to see my real skills. It is exactly not where she is searching for it,' a smirk plastered itself on his face at the thought. He tried to imagine what her reaction would be if she knew who he was. 'Will she be scared of me then? or will she be disappointed in me?' a thought passed his mind, ' why does it matter if she gets scared or disappointed? she is nothing. She doesn't even have the right to know me ' he scolded himself, trying hard not to give in to doubts.

He took a pen and started writing whatever came to his mind. Seconds became minutes, then minutes became hours, and he still hasn't moved an inch from where he was seated. The more he wrote, the more new ideas he got to write about, all the years of reading poems and loving lyrics paid back when he proudly looked at the final product in front of him. He felt satisfied; he felt as if he killed someone and the mission is over. A knock on the door broke him out of his momentary bliss. He walked up to the door and opened it to reveal Raheel standing there with a tray of food in her hand and a usual stoic face.

"move," she said, Danny moved aside to let her in. She settled the tray of food on his table and turned to face him.

"you can't just skip dinner like that," she said, anger evident in her voice.

"I had to complete the assig.....never mind," Danny cut himself off as he was still embarrassed by the fact that he had to do assignments like school kids.

Raheel looked around the room to witness crumpled papers shattered on the floor and a file of neatly arranged paper on a chair, she walked up to the file and took it in her arms, and let out a breathed chuckle. The dangerous Danny Martix drawing a clean border on the front page of an assignment and trying to write the title in a fancy sense, emphasize the word "try" as his inability in art was evident on that page which made her stop. She tried hard not to laugh, but when she looked up to Danny and saw his face all red like a tomato, she couldn't handle herself.

She laughed at him until her eyes were filled with tears,

"oh, my....Da.David!" she tried calling David in between her laugh as Danny urgently ran and closed her mouth from causing further embarrassment. But his effort went down the drain as David came running into his room in a second.

"What happened ?" David breathed out as Raheel kept on laughing while Danny tried his best to stop her.

"you must see this," Raheel spoke up as she handed the paper to David. Danny slammed his hand on his face as he didn't have the strength to witness David's reaction. 'This is worse than a nightmare,' he thought to himself. For the first time in his life, he prayed, prayed that a tsunami would come out of nowhere and wash away any trace of Danny Martix's literature assignment.

David blinked twice at the file in his hand and looked at Danny, who was as good as dead by Raheel's torments. David looked around the room, and then again took a second glance at the assignment but, it was the wrong move because, at the second glance, he noticed Danny's miserable attempt to draw a flower beside the title, which didn't help him at all to control his laughter.

David looked up to Raheel, and they both burst into laughter again.

"Dan di...did you draw a flo...flower," David asked as Danny's eyes widened.

"oo god," David breathed out and clutched onto his stomach as he couldn't control his laughter anymore.

"the most dangerous man known to the mafia world doing his literature assignments like a first grader with flowers and shit!" Raheel said as they both once again broke into a fit laugh.

"I have an explanation for that....can you guys stop! It is not that bad," Danny told them as he shot glares at both of them.

"Okay, what is your explanation Mr. the, most dangerous man who draws flowers in his assignment like pre-schoolers," Raheel asked him as David once again started laughing, looking at the drawn flower that looked like " that flower doesn't even know what it is" shape.

"I knew it from the beginning...I shouldn't have listened to what that annoying prick said," Danny spoke up with a hint of betrayal in his voice.

"She is the one that told me. That 'this book is about flowers. So you should draw at least one flower beside the title. Because you are an art student,' " Danny said by imitating Aurora's voice which left David and Raheel once again bursting out into a fit laugh. The sound of pure betrayal in Danny's voice didn't help them to control themselves at all.

"poor girl," David said, shaking his head.

"she doesn't know what she signed up for" Raheel completed his sentence.

But after a long while, there was peace in that house, a real one, one of happiness, pure and simple. Danny didn't feel embarrassed anymore, but he felt content in watching them laugh and make fun of him, like how it used to be in their childhood. Free, free from everything, free from any responsibility, free from the world itself.

word count : 1038

Author's note :

David and Raheel are bullies!
My poor Dans is treated like a punching bag.

Anyways, What do you guys think of this chapter?

Look forward to the next chapter ya'll!!!

Until Next Time Love.

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