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"Starting today the Heavens Enterprises will no longer be involved in any mafia affairs. We quit."

A shrilling silence immediately filled the conference room, deafening the air. 




Some hours ago,

The darkly clouded evening sky draped itself over her thoughts. The bright white light from the laptop screen shone against Aurora's face. A sigh left her lips as she once again checked the attendees list for today's conference. Everybody will be there, from small investors to major partners her uncle shook hands with years ago. Major investments from the Heaven's account to them and in return their service and loyalty, decades long relations and trust.

Aurora dug up the long buried history of the Heavens' sky high business. It's crooked way of not directly involving with any illegal businesses but still being one of the major investors in the underworld of nasty grounds. The Heavens' accounts weren't clean in the slightest. The billions she scratched out of Xavier's possession were nothing but black, illegally rolled from one place to another. Every note of currency literally having no value, nothing  more than a piece of paper. She wondered what her uncle was planing on doing with the useless money, it was useless in every way.

She read deeper into the history of their partners, from drug dealers to major human trafficking chains. It took two sleepless night to break into their personal files but it was worth the effort, from picture to video evidences of victims, from the history of their old basement locations to their next targets, everything laid wide in front of her eyes.

Bile raised up to her throat as pictures of children torn and broken appeared on her screen, face smeared in blood, mercilessly used and tossed off by these people. Knowing that the same business that was now under her, once was a prime source for these so called partners.

She patiently waited as the evidences copied into the USB. While waiting, her fingers ran across the keyboard once again, trying to break into the same codes her uncle created, to know more on how these partnerships helped their business. Minutes rolled into hours as she mindlessly worked on her craft. And finally a green light shone against her skin.

No picture or video evidences, only written documents with no signature. Her uncle was indeed a smart man. She opened the document, her eyes stumbled across every words on the document, trying hard not to miss anything. A shallow breath left her lips as she read through the partnership benefits, from covered murders to security. Everything that surrounded her.

But before her mind could wander off any further a knock on the wooden door interrupted her. She strained her neck to see who was at the door, Jax stood there with many files in his hands.

"come in Jax" she sighed.

"I got the report you asked for" he said, handing her the files from his hands. A smile appeared across her lips as she looked at the pictures in front of her.

"They are doing good Aurora" Jax said with adoration for the woman that sat in front of him.

"Jace and Nathan are  hanging out a lot, Nathan even picks up Jace from his house and Rachel is also doing pretty well, at least on the outside. Jace is getting a little to protective of her which is fun to watch by the way" he chucked making Aurora let out a small laugh.

She once again looked at the picture of the kids, one with Nathan waiting in his car for Jace, another one with Jace eating lunch with Rachel were she is laughing as he gives her a gentle look. The one that caught Aurora's attention was a picture were Nathan, Jace and Rachel were sitting at the stairs near their basketball court where Nathan was intently talking about something as the other two listened, Nathan in a basketball jersey whereas Jace and Rachel are in regular tees and jeans, in looked as if they came to watch Nathan play.

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