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Raheel stood up from her seat as the clock struck three. She looked at David and offered him a smile, knowing it will make Danny more irritated because today he had to stay back for that peer teaching session. Danny on the other hand was beyond agitated, it was visible that he was on the edge.

"I hate this," he said through gritted teeth. David and Raheel let out a chuckle.

"you sound like a pre-schooler, Dan. It's just some extra class" she nudged him, which made him even angrier. Deep inside, Raheel felt sorry for that girl who will be helping him as she knew that all this pent-up anger inside him will be released on that girl.

"I am not going," Danny said without even a trace of hope to convince him otherwise.

"Dan please" David finally spoke up, but his voice held some sort of a tiredness than usual, and Danny picked that up immediately.

"Are you okay, brother?" Danny asked with concern lacing his voice.

"I just don't want an argument with you right now," David replied to his brother's concern. Danny let out a sigh and decided to attend the peer teaching.

"Okay, then see you guys at dinner," Danny said as he walked out of the classroom.

"you did convince him," Raheel said more like a question.

"he is my brother," and at that statement, David smiled a genuine one.


Danny entered the library to see that ' annoying woman ' as he named her, sitting next to a pile of books on the desk in front of her. ' What was her name? ' he tried thinking but to no avail could he find a sound that could have fitted her. He looked outside the window beside her, to catch the dusk. Sunrays that was smooth as oil, not the one that burns your skin but rather the one that brings you a touch of warmth. He walked towards her and pulled a seat opposite to her.

"so you are here," she said without taking her eyes off the books that were scattered all around the table.

"Hmm," he hummed, already hating her attitude.

"you have 25 pending assignments that should be completed, and submitted by the next two weeks," she said as she looked up to him. In response, she earned another hum from him.

"so, how are you planning to complete these assignments?" she asked him again.

Danny was getting more and more irritated as she talked, he hated being questioned. ' Who does she think she is?' he asked to himself. She was getting under his skin with such ease that it amused him at some point.

"I don't know" he answered her again. She sighed at his short responses. She decided to stop talking and looked outside the window.

Dusk. The sun glowed red like a ruby. She could feel her hair glowing against the sun. She didn't know what she had to do with him; he seemed like he doesn't even want to try. Like she was the one to talk about ' trying'. She felt like laughing at her pathetic self. She wished she was with Nathan instead of this guy. At least Nathan listened even though the things she said  weren't the exact things she wanted to discuss, 'will I ever voice out what I want to talk about?' she asked herself. She felt a pang in her heart, a sudden change in the air, and the dusk didn't seem any beautiful anymore.

Both of them stayed in silence until the professor came to the library.

"Ms. Heavens" the professor called out taking her attention.
"Mr. Hale has a ton of projects to submit, as you might already know," the professor continued as she nodded.

"I would like to advise you to take responsibility for helping him complete the projects before the models. That will be in two weeks," the professor told her, as a wave of doubts hit her "how am I going to help Mr. arrogant guy ?" she asked herself, but she once again nodded in approval to the professor.

"you can start from today onwards," the professor instructed and left. Aurora sighed, and told Danny to sit beside her. For better access to the books in front of them.

"so you didn't do any project from the beginning of the course?" she asked him and yet again earned a hum.

"it would be nice if you could just talk. I am trying to help" Aurora voiced out her concern but earned his silence for an answer.

"I don't know where to start," she said more to herself as she rubbed her temples and ran her other hand through the books and papers shattered in front of her.

"maybe from the first project?" Danny spoke up, she looked at him in relief 'so Mr. arrogant guy can talk, good to know ' a voice inside her spoke.

"yes, let's start then.." she said as she picked up a book.

"I want you to read it by today and write a summary about it and bring it to me tomorrow. We can meet here at the library after the last session for the next two weekend," she told him.

' Why is she so demanding? ' he asked to himself. Maybe she is trying to help, but something in him won't let him breathe around her. She was making him feel so suffocated. For the next half an hour, he listened to her talking about how to do the first assignment, and surprisingly he understood what she was saying. But he still didn't like the idea of someone telling him what to do. He hated that she can teach him something he doesn't know. Which somehow is making him feel so stupid of himself. And he hated that feeling of being the one taught rather than being the one teaching, at least not in front of her, ' annoying woman. '


word count : 987 words

Author's note:

Aurora and Danny started on the typical 'gotta help with assignments' drama.

I feel bad for my Danny boo for getting intimidated by Aurora😂

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Until Next Time Love.

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