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For the first time in two years the crisp graveyard wind caressed her. The skeleton of dry trees shoot tall everywhere around the ruins of the old church, deep yellow and dark brown dry leaves filled inches up the ground.

The long shadows casted by the dusk laid on the ground. Raheel stood still in front of her mother's grave, a stone plating that held her mother's name engraved in front of it, Mariam.

She closed her eyes and tried to remember the vague memories of a nine year old; she tried recalling her mother's smile, her laugh, her touch, her voice. A small smile casted itself on her face as she remembered her mother, the smooth sunlight gracefully adorning her face. She closed her eyes as the soft wind once again caressed her.

She held the small bouquet of lilies close to her heart as she mentally started talking to her mother;

hey mom, I know its been a while since I came around. But you are always in my mind mom, I dreamt about you today as well. Not a pleasant dream but I saw your face in it,which eased the unbearable pain. I miss you mom, everyday I do. I wish you were here today to guide me, to tell me not to over think every time my mind wonder around leaving everything behind, to tell me David is a nice man....mom we will get married in four months can you believe it?.

I wish you were here to shed a little tear as I put on my wedding gown but I will be alone mom, there won't be anyone to help me, there won't be anyone to tell me not to get nervous, there won't be anyone....its really hard without you a lone tear escaped her closed eyes as she prayed to her mother. Her hands were quick to wipe them off as she open her eyes again to look again to the ground in which her mom rested. She bent down and placed the bouquet on the cold grave tile and turned away.

Her mom was buried in the graveyard that belonged to an old church, a church that was so special to her mother for some unspoken reason. The church was hit by a hurricane some ten years ago, which left the church into ruination.

Plants and creepers climbed through the church's pillows. The graveyard was deep in the woods as the place was abandoned by the people after the hurricane, so no one really took care of it. Raheel always wanted to rebuild the only place that gave her some glimpse of a life that once was within her mother but she decided not to, because she could feel how peacefully her mother slept in this calm place.


She walked towards the car that was parked behind the old church. David waited for her impatiently in the backseat, he was nervous as of why Raheel chose to come to the place that she always avoided like a plague.

At afternoon she suddenly told David that she wanted to visit her mother's grave and here they are, a short three hour flight and a ten minute drive. Danny stayed back in order to keep check of their security through the journey even though Raheel strongly disagreed for the extra protection. For Raheel, she grew up being best friends with her mother which left her at shock after her mother's death.

Even though her father tried to make up for her mother's absence he eventually gave in to the grieve of his wife's demise and had to give Raheel away for her own good. David was pulled out of his distant thoughts as Raheel opened the door and sat behind him intertwining their hands, they sat in silence until their car reached the air port.

David and Raheel were back in time for dinner. As they entered their house he looked at her, a smile creeping onto his face at the lightness he felt from her.

"David I feel like mom will be more than happy for our marriage" she whispered as she smiled to herself.

"she will be" he said as he protectively ran a hand on the back of her head.

They sat beside each other at the dinning table as Danny made his way down stairs.

"hey " Danny said while pulling out a chair to sit.

"how was your day Danny?" Raheel asked and Danny just shrugged in response.

"you didn't talk to her?" David asked.

"why would I talk to her?" Danny answered as he irritatingly started eating. David and Raheel looked at each other in a confused manner but decided to not poke on him any further.

"how was your day?" Danny asked.

"I am glad I took the decision to go there" Raheel answered, a smile found its way on Danny's face as he looked at her happiness.

"by the way what happened between you and your lover girl" Raheel asked in a playful tone as David let out a chuckle.

"I don't love her" Danny spoke up stressing on each word as he spoke.

"so something did happen" David said and looked up to a fuming Danny.

"nothing happened" Danny said as he grew more and more irritated.

"David are we acting like a teenager's parents or is he acting like a teenager himself?" Raheel asked while stuffing her mouth with food.

"that's enough" Danny said as he shot glares at his twin and Raheel.

"did she ditch you brother?" David enquired as he held in a laugh.

"can you guys stop..she didn't ditch me or anything" Danny spoke calmly as he hung on his last string of patience.

"oo good lord he is love sick" Raheel said and pointed at Danny as David laughed at Danny's wide eyes.

"what!" Danny exclaimed and stood up from his seat.

" I. said. that's. enough." with that Danny left the room booming.


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