And So It Begins.

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a/n i really have no idea what im doin but i just keep writing so here ya go

As Angelica sat down at the table she tired to calm down a little. She messed with her hair and looked out the window. Laf walked over to her and sat across form her. 

"Mom amie your blushing" Lafayette said trying not to make his smile obvious

"Non, I'm just... hot from my coffee" She paused trying to make up another thing to get him to stop talking.

"Angie has a crushhh!" He stood up while his smile was getting bigger but still holding back.

Maria looked over the counter when she heard what Laf said. She immediately started to blush and covered her face with her hands. She went to the back of the kitchen and tried to calm down.

"Lafayette wipe that smile off your face and sit your butt back down" She said blushing redder and trying not to let Laf win this.

Laf slumped back into his chair like a teen in detention. Now he was going to start acting like a child. Angie could tell so she sighed and just tried her best to not break a smile 

"fine. But you should say something to her, or at least smile at her and be the doux et aimant person you are" His smile did not go away. He wanted to do everything his power to get them together just as she did for him. 

"Laf right now I don't really want to be sweet and loving, I would turn into a tomato if I even say one word to her. I will just.." She paused and wrote her number on a napkin "Give this to her" 

"YES! I will give it to her right now!" Just like that, in a matter of seconds he was already across the counter and in the back of the kitchen. Angelica laughed, picked up her things and left.

Maria saw Laf coming from across the Café in the very few seconds it took. She did not have time to stop blushing or calm down. He handed her the napkin while still smiling really big.

"What did you-" She saw what was one the napkin and gave him the biggest bear hug a small person could give. "Thank you, it means a lot" 

"Maria.. I- I cant breath"

"S-Sorry.." She let go. Looking up at him with a great big smile she hugged him once more, not as tight so he could breath.

"ya know you very strong for a fun-sized human" He chuckled and messed up her hair. She rolled her eyes trying not to laugh. 

"I'm 5'4, not that short." He raised an eyebrow at her. "Fine maybe 5' 3 and a half but its called kickboxing" She started shadow boxing. Laf laughed and hung up his apron. 

"Shift just ended, how about we go get drinks, you just turned 21 right? We can go celebrate you getting her number" Maria took off her apron and handed it to Laf.

"Only if all your friends come. They seem fun to drink with" She smiled and grabbed her keys off of the rack. 

"Oui, they can come. Usually they invite one friend with them if that's ok" He looked at his phone and started to walk out. Maria followed him out.

"The more the merrier" She smiled and turned to walk towards her car. "See you in a bit" She got in her car and drove off. Laf waived as she drove off. He walked to the bus stop and waited.

a/n This seems so cheesy, and like the story line is kinda basic.. sorry about that.

We Are Enough (Maria x Angelica bc why not)Where stories live. Discover now