I Owe You

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It was the first Saturday since Griffon had gotten back. I felt a pang in my chest. In my story last term, every Saturday had been a new, godly adventure. I smiled at the memories I had created for myself. I was no where near as cool as the Amy in my book. She had confidence, grace and a much nicer choice of clothes. But I was still happy with myself as I was. Not may girls in this uptight town could pull off wearing a Paramore Tank Top with ripped jeans. Everyone was very posh were I lived.

There was a very persistent knocking at my front door. I put down my book and found Griffon standing, with a book, behind my door.

“Hello. I thought I'd come over and read with you.”

“What book are you reading?”

Griffon held up City Of Bones. “Always love good re-read.”

I smiled and nodded.

“What are you reading?”

“the Fault in our Stars. Again.”

“I don't know why you bother reading that over and over. You always cry.”

“Shut it Grif.”

2 hours later I threw done my book. Tears flooded down my face. Griffon looked up from his book.

“Should we go for a walk?”

“Yes,” I said grumpily.

Together we walked down to the local shops. Whenever someone said 'let's go for a walk' they usually meant 'let's go to the shops'. Griffon stopped us in front of the ice cream shop. He walked in and came back out with my favourite ice cream. I took it without thanking him. I was too upset.

“You're welcome Amy. It was no trouble Amy. I accept your gratitude Amy. How will you ever repay me? A kiss will do fine.”

Griffon looked at me pointedly.

“No. Not happening.”

Griffon rolled his eyes.

“Don't roll your eyes at me!” I said jokingly.

“Let's go to the museum,” Grif said. “I wanna see where your adventure took place.”

“Correction. Technically it was our adventure.”

“You wrote it though.”

“You were a main character.”

“Well yes I was. Secretly you wrote that story all about me, for me.”

“Don't flatter yourself Griffon.”

“You said that you missed me so you write about me.”

“Yeah and I killed you off. So if you want to make that a reality, keep talking.”

Griffon shut up.

But not for long.

“I missed your smart remarks. They always fill my day with such joy.”

“I try to make each person feel special.”

“What a beautiful person you are,” Griffon laughed.

I cracked a smile. Griffon could always make me smile.

We had arrived at the museum. Griffon had this crazy, excited expression on his face.

“Don't expect any Gods to be coming alive.”

“Don't ruin my hopes. It's Saturday. Anything could happen.”

“You remembered that it was Saturday?” I was really shocked.

“Of course I remember! I'm insulted.”

“Sorry. It's just that you don't remember a lot of things.”

Griffon huffed. “Are you done insulting me?”

“For now.”

Together we walked through the double front doors and into the foyer of our cities museum. Slowly we walked through the entire building. We gawked and gazed at everything. I had spent most of my previous school term in here but it felt like a whole new adventure. I had never gone through the whole place with Griffon. He was a lot of fun to go to a museum with. He would stop and stare at the most simple things and he would manage to find the most beautiful within them. As we continued walking, I recognised where we were. This was the passage to the Greek section. Griffon must have realised as well for he drew a sharp breath.

“I know where we are,” he gasped excited.

The archway to the statue room was in front of us. Griffon took hold of my hand.

“Now we can be like the book you and me.”

I had a swarm of butterflies in my stomach.  

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