He's Back

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I paced outside the airport. Back and forwards. How could I be nervous just going into an airport? Oh yeah, that's right. I'm here to pick Griffon up. Of course I'm freaking out! I hadn't seen him for what felt like forever and now he was coming home. How was I supposed to act? I felt oddly calm but terrified at the same time. Someone tell me what to do!

"Amy, we're going in now," said Mum.

"Right," I followed her inside.

There were people everywhere; as there usually was at airports. I squeezed and moved around all the people that I could. This was becoming overwhelming. We managed to drag ourselves through the crowd into the clearing just in front of the gate that Griffon would be coming out of. I was close to panic mode. This was ridiculous!

"It' fine honey. He's your best friend."

"Mum I haven't seen him in a year."

"So what if the last time he saw you, you were an awkward pre-teen?"

"Mum I'm going to take that as an insult."

"Darling there's nothing to be ashamed of. Everyone goes through an awkward phase."

"Not helping Mum."

The announcement that Griffon's flight was un-boarding boomed through the airport. Holy shit! HOLY SHIT!! People were pouring out of the gate. Knowing Griffon, he would be the last off the plane, but I still craned my neck to see him. I'd almost given up hope when I saw his mop of brown hair above everyone else's. He had grown, just like me. I took off sprinting towards him, unaware if all the other people.


He spotted me as I jumped at him. He caught me in the circle of his arms. He nuzzled his head into the crook of my neck. He squeezed me as tight as he could. I felt the tears rolling down my face, into his hair. And I felt his tears soaking me shirt. He finally put me down.

"You're taller," I said.

"So are you," he said back.

"Your hair needs cutting."

"As it always does. I missed you."


"You two can let go of each other now," my Mum said.

She had had her teary hello with Griffon's parents.

Griffon and I let go of each other but till stayed close; shoulder to shoulder.

"I'll never get used to you two changing...." Grif's Mum started but both myself and Grif tuned out.

"You look a lot prettier when you're not seen through a computer screen," Griffon whispered in my ear.

I blushed deeply.

"And you're a lot easier to hear as well. It was all static before," Griffon scrunched up his nose.

I couldn't help but laugh.

"It's the same old you," I said.

"Yes, except an awful lot more attractive if I say so myself. "

I rolled my eyes.

"I'm sorry. One must keep ones confidence up," Grif sassed me.

"I missed you so much," I said in a rush.

"There's one thing I learned in France."

"Do tell."

"In French you don't really say 'I miss you'. You say 'tu me manques' which is closer to 'you are missing from me.' I love that. 'You are missing from me'. You are a part of me, you are essential to my being. You are like limbs or organs or blood. I can not function without you."

"That was very John Green of you."

"Well, he's kind of stuck in my head. You sent me every book he's ever written."

"Now you're a lot more cultural!"

"Cause travelling half way around the world for a year won't make me more cultural."

"You know what I mean."

"Yes I do. I just like making fun of you"

I rolled my eyes.

"Hey don't roll your eyes at me!"

This prompted me to roll my eyes even more. Griffon pretended to get flustered and walk away. I managed to grab onto his arm before his body was completely turned away from me. Without a second thought, Griffon spun me so I wound up against his chest. Not going to lie; it was really nice.

"Come on you two," chuckled Griffon's Dad. "Let's go home."

Griffon kept his arm around my shoulders as we left the airport.

"Oh. By the way. Sorry I killed you off in my book."

"Yeah my feelings were real hurt Amy."

"Stop lying. You had a great death scene."

"If I get to kiss you before I actually die, I will die a happy man."

I rolled my eyes, pretending that Griffon's comment irritated me instead of thrilling me.

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