Freak the Freak out

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The book landed with a bang that appeared louder than all the other books falling.

“Christ Amy! Butter fingers much?”

Griffon went to pick up the book but froze half way there.

“Is that a picture of the library?”

“Seems that way.”

“But this library wasn't around in Viking times was it?”


“Then why is there a picture of it in this book?”

“I don't know Grif.”

Griffon picked up the book and read.

“It says that the Vikings built this place as a place of worship to knowledge. It was part of the 9 worlds, coming from the base of their tree of life.”

“Then why is the building still standing?”

“Maybe it's protected by some old folk law?”

“But the Vikings had nothing to do with Australia. They didn't even know it existed.”

“So why is their magical knowledge place our local library?”

“Grif, we need to get every book on Vikings we can.”

Griffon nodded.

We went about silently picking up all the books and checked them out. The librarian gave us a weird look but said nothing. We practically ran back to my house.

“Amy, are you okay?”

“No I'm not. I'm freaking out!”

Griffon put down hi skateboard and the books and gave me a hug. Once again I was very aware of his body against mine. This time he didn't just feel muscular and warm. He felt protective. I never wanted him to let me go. I was freaking out so much. A lot of people would just brush this off us a printing error, but my anxiety just set this whole other train of thoughts off in my head. You can't accidentally put a picture of a library built in 1970 in a book published in 1930. It just didn't happen. Couldn't happen.

“Nothing like this is meant to happen here We're meant to just go with what everyone tells us. But what if they're wrong Griffon? What if they've been teaching us wrong all these years?”

“What do you mean Amy?”

“What if there's certain things people won't teach us because it'll change history?”

“So your saying that we might be missing parts of history?”

“Yes. What if they're scared that we're smarter than them?”

“What if this is some crazy coincidence?”

“Are you serious Grif?”

“What if you're seeing this all wrong? What if it's not our library in the book?”

“Only seconds ago you were agreeing with me! Now you're trying to up end it!”

“Cause I'm freaking out!” Griffon yelled. “Like you said stuff like this isn't meant to happen here! This town lives black and white! We're told what they think we need to know and that's it! Even we're considered weird! For gods sake I prefer to spend my time imaging adventures than playing cricket! I want to become the first guy around here that doesn't follow his fathers career path! And this fucking book is another thing that proves this town is shit!”

Frustrated tears rolled down Griffon's cheeks.

We had never fit in here. We had always been odd or weird. People in our town didn't have imaginations or a sense of self. Everything was the same around here. We had never fit in cause we liked to o against the norm. We dressed and thought differently. But even though everything was the same, there were always huge scandals happening that everyone chose to ignore. This book was another one of those scandals.

“I'm sorry Grif,” I wrapped my arms around his torso.

He responded by wrapping his arms around my smaller frame. Griffon sobbed into my hair.

“I hate this town. I hate it so fucking much,” he mumbled.

“We'll get out of here.”

“I know we will. I just wish it could be now.”

“I know.”

“At least we have a mystery to solve now,” Griffon tried to joke.

“Are we even sure we want to find out?”

“No. But we may as well. It'll make a great story, don't you think?”

I couldn't help it, I laughed. And soon Griffon was too.  


I'm thinking of writing a sub story about their town. What do you think?

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