The Start

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Unfortunately for me, the museum didn't have a Viking section. So I had to go to the library. Now yes I did like to read but no I didn't like to go to the library. Our towns library was only good for research, not actual reading. It drove me crazy. I had yet to find an actual reading book in that entire place. The library was a massive drag. Naturally I was dragging Griffon along as well.

“But I don't wanna go.”

“Grif stop whining. You have to come with me.”

“Says who?”


Griffon huffed.

“Please Griffon,” I pleaded.



“Because I don't want to go.”

“Not even for me?”

“Especially not for you.”

“That hurt my feelings,” I pouted.

Griffon remained silent.

“I'll just go by myself.”

He was still quiet.

“I'll go to the library by myself.”


“I might hook up with some random guy. Might get pregnant.”

Griffon snapped his head up.

“Fine I'll come with you.”

“Wonderful. Let's go.”

Griffon rolled off his bed and shrugged on a jacket. We thumped down the stairs and out onto the street. Griffon took the skateboard that was leaning against his house and placed it on the ground.

“Jump on.”

“The last time we did this I got concussion.”

“I can actually skate now. Come on Amy.”

Gingerly I got onto the front of the board. Griffon jumped on behind me and pushed of immediately. I screamed. Griffon placed his hands on my hips.

“Put your arms out!”

I stretched my arms out to the sides. The wind rushed against us. Griffon directed us to the library. We were laughing and hooting with glee. Passer bys had to jump out of the way for us to go on the footpath. It was so much fun. Until I realised we would have to stop.



“How do we stop?”

“Like this.”

He didn't really throw me off but I landed on my rear end. What happened was that Grif had lifted me up and had meant to place me on the ground. But because of my poor co-ordination and the speed we were travelling at, I fell. Griffon skidded the board to a stop.

“Jesus! Are you alright?”

“Perfectly fine. Yourself?”

Griffon walked over and sat down in front of me.

“No breaks?”

“I think I broke my butt.”

“Well that's kind of upsetting. Do you think it'll be alright?”

“Hopefully I'll make a full recovery.”

“Let's hope so. Come on. You won't learn about Vikings down here.”

Griffon stood and offered me his hand. I gladly accepted it.

“This library looks worse than I remember,” Grif said as we walked in.

“It's just a depressing building really.”

“Yeah. Looks like it's been around for centuries. And it still hasn't had a face lift.”

I tried looking around to find the text books I would need. Griffon was being no help what so ever. He was making towers out of all the books.

“Grif you know you could help me right?”

“I know. But this tower is so much more interesting.”

“I'm not bringing you next time.”

“That's the whole idea.”

I rolled my eyes.

“Do you have all the Viking books there?”

“ would appear so.”

I took a book out of Griffon's tower and the whole thing came crashing down. There was a loud crash and I was certain a librarian was on her way.

“You spoil all the fun,” Grif muttered putting books away.

I managed to salvage the Viking books. I opened one at a random page and dropped it at the sight of the picture.  

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