Happy Birthday

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It had been a week since myself and Griffon had gone to the museum. We were back at school and it was my birthday.

I was actually about to leave my house to walk to school when the door opened itself. Griffon stood there with a bunch of roses and a wrapped package.

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” he yelled.

“Oh my goodness! Thank you so much!” I gushed.

Griffon put the flowers on a little table in the hall and handed me the package. Straight away I could tell that it was a book. Eagerly I ripped off the wrapping and I was left holding a brown leather bound book. There was no cover art or title.

“It's for your own story. Not something for school or anything like that. It's an empty novel for you to fill with your own story. Just try not to kill me off in this one.”

I beamed. It was the perfect present.

“It's wonderful Grif!”

I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my lower back. I shouldn't be this aware of another persons' being. Especially Griffon's. He smelt incredibly good and his muscle felt incredible. I had never felt safer in the circle of someone's arms until now. Griffon was resting his chin on top of my head. My stomach was a float with more butterflies. Did he know what he was doing to me?

“Come on. We should get to school.”

“Yeah we probably should.”

“Don't want to miss our double English period today,” Griffon said with as much sarcasm as he could muster. He really didn't like English.

At school I got several birthday wishes from people I would never speak to again. Once I got to my locker I had received over ten birthday wishes. Griffon, whose locker was coincidently next to mine, was cracking up with laughter. He knew I didn't have that many friends.

“I have something else for you,” Griffon said pulling something out of his locker.

“Oh no.”

“Come on. It's for fun.”

I sighed....and then gasped. Griffon had pulled out a sash that read, 'BIRTHDAY GIRL'.I had never felt more embarrassed.

“I'm not..”

“Yes you are. Or at least for English,”

“Just for English.”

We shook on it.

Today in English we were given half of our double period to work on our assignments. I was super excited. Naturally I already had an idea for my story and had already started writing it.

“If you have any questions about the task now is the time to ask!” our teacher yelled over the noise of the class.

Griffon's hand shot up.

Our teacher visibly rolled her eyes. Her and Griffon really didn't get along.

“Yes Griffon?”

“Well you see Miss, I've come to a bit of problem. I have an idea for my story but I'm not sure how to work it. And seeing as you won't let me get help from Amy, I need to ask you.”

“What is your idea Griffon?”

“I was thinking of doing a story where there is a girl who's lost in space. Well not really lost, more of un-sure of where she belongs. Anyway I want to write it as if she's remembering where she has been. Can I do that?”

I just stared at Grif. This was probably the smartest and cleverest story idea. And I was so god damn jealous that I hadn't thought of it. I just knew that Griffon would be able to pull it off. Our teacher didn't think so.

“You can try it Griffon. But be careful not to make it tacky.”

A few kids giggled and Griffon looked down with a blushing face.

“So, Amy what's your idea?”

It was very hard for me not to snap at our teacher for making fun of my best friend.

“Well my idea doesn't sound nearly as fun as Grif's, but I planned on using the old Viking mythology. I want to have the Vikings enter the modern world.”

“Now isn't that mixing the past and the present?”

“Not if it's used in a metaphorical state.”

“Absolutely brilliant!” she beamed and then went on with the lesson.

Griffon nudged me.


“That's not the story you were writing yesterday.”

“Well I decided to change it.”

“Why? You nearly pissed Miss off.”

“She made fun of you.”

“You changed your story for me?”

“You changed the prophecy, so I thought I could get in trouble for you.”

“Hey, you just quoted Journal of the Gods!”

“I wrote it. I can quote it.”  

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