Chapter 9

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Dedicated to XalixeX

Hinata’s POV

I hate Naruto. I hate him and all of the things he did.

But still I couldn’t leave him. Not when he was breaking in front of me like that. My heart felt heavy and I wanted to cry. Instead of doing that I was there standing by his side listening to what he wanted to tell everyone but was too afraid to. This soft side of his made something in me want to tell him that it’s going to be okay. I wanted to make him feel better. And I hate it. I should not feel this kind of way. I guess it’s because I’m a good person.

We returned backstage and found his father.

“Where have you been, I was so worried?” Minato inquired with a concerned look on his face. 

“I…I was…” Naruto was obviously struggling with freely expressing his feelings. He was trembling regardless of his efforts to stop it or at least hide it.

“He was preparing. Long story short we met when I was just about to enter the washroom and he was exiting it. I explained to him that you were looking for him and then we came to tell you that you were worrying over nothing.” I took Naruto’s hand unconsciously and explained to his father with convincing tone and calm expression. 
“It’s your turn after the end of this song.” Minato said. “Take your guitar and get ready to go on the stage. Your mother is in the audience with Yadachi. Break a leg! But not literally or your mother will be angry with us both.” He tried to cheer his son up and left.

“Be there with me.” Naruto turned to me.

“I’ll be here. What, you love me that much you can’t be more than 2 meters apart from me? Who’s the princess now, huh?” I teased him with the intention to take his mind off of his upcoming performance.

“You were the one searching for me in the first place.” His playful smirk returned and a feeling of relief spread through my body. We were standing close enough for our shoulders to be brushing against each other and I hate to admit but it felt nice.

“Would you prefer me not doing it?” I asked but he suddenly pulled me into a hug.

“I’m now standing here ready to go on that stage and if everything goes according to plan this is going to change my life. And it’s because of you. Thank you for saving me from myself, princess.”

Naruto’s POV

The lights went on as I sat on the chair in the middle of the stage and swung the guitar over my shoulder. My eyes scanned through the hundred guests in the hall. The only person I recognized was my mother that was looking at me with such hopeful and proud look in her eyes. I just wish I don’t disappoint her and father. Next to her was seating a man that had to be Mr. Norimara.

The song I was going to perform was “Song for no one” by Shawn Mendes. I started playing the guitar.

‘I wake up a little drunk
Check my phone
I’m all alone
10 missed calls
A couple texts
None of them are who I’m looking for, who I’m looking for yeah’

I sang feeling the hesitation in my own voice, I don’t know if I can do it, I’m definitely going to fail…

‘This is a song for no one
This is a song for no one
Get on a plane
Fly to the most beautiful place you've ever been’

I looked around. I was alone…Then our eyes locked. She was looking at me with a warm smile then nodded lightly reassuring me to continue. Her eyes were saying one thing – “I’m here”.

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