Chapter 21 - Finale

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Hinata's POV

"You didn't forget we have a family dinner tonight, right?" Naruto asked on the drive to school.

It turned into a habit of his to come pick me up every weekday so I won't be late but I'm not complaining at all. Dad was very thankful of him because he sometimes even drives Hanabi to her school. It's very funny because we have to keep our act up when she's around and teasingly fight with each other.

But of course as the smartass my sister is she knew there was something going on under her nose. One Monday as I left the house and walked to Naruto greeting him with a kiss Hanabi jumped out of one of the bushes in front of our house and started squealing. She wanted to know everything right away and urged me to talk but I neither had the time or wanted to talk with her about that right now so I passed the buck to Naruto who used his charm and made her promise not to tell anyone. The following night I couldn't get no sleep because she just wouldn't stop asking me about my 'boyfriend'. I didn't feel the need to explain to her that we're not girlfriend and boyfriend but we're still together since she wouldn't understand even if I did so.

"Oh come on, it's been two months since our families started this tradition."

"Let's have a family dinner together every two weeks!" Naruto imitated his mother's voice causing me to laugh.

"You suck!" I insulted him.

"Talking about yourself again?" He replied turning to me with a raised brow and a smirk. I raised my middle finger at him and he responded with an 'I love you too' then we had to quit it because we were approaching school. "Last day as juniors! Finally!" Naruto exclaimed when we got out of the car.

"Yeah, last..." I felt the need and ran to my blonde boy, pecked him on the cheek and buried my head into his chest.

"Hey" He stroked my hair with one hand and hugged me back with the other one. "Heeey! Don't cry, we still have senior year ahead of us."

"How did you know I was crying?" I lifted my head to look at him.

"I just do." He shrugged his shoulders and hugged me tighter.

"It's beautiful!" I whispered more to myself than him but he heard me and asked what I'm talking about. "Your heartbeat." I explained and leaned in closer to his heart so I can hear the sound clearer. "Your soul. You. Are beautiful." We stared into each other's eyes in complete silence. "I love you!" It's the second time I told him that so far and it's the honest truth. "I really do love you!"

"You're being too soft on me, princess." He tapped my nose then his forefinger traveled down to my lips and explored them tenderly with his fingers. He leaned in closer to my face and I closed my eyes ready for the kiss. Instead he whispered 'I love you too' in my ear and kissed my neck slowly.

"EWWWW!!!" We heard Tenten's voice approaching from behind. "You two are so gross, go get a room, bruh!" She boomed and Naruto let go of me after gently biting the place on my neck he was kissing giving me chills.

"Let's just go and get finished with it." Naruto said and led us inside.

The 'ceremony' with Mr. Hatake was boring but short and soon I was back home.

"Naruto!" I shouted from the front door of my house before he got into his car. He gave me a confused look urging me to continue. "I can't go any more longer like that!" I stated heading towards him.

"What do you mean? Are you brea-" I interrupted him by throwing myself into his arms and kissing him passionately.

"Baka! What I mean is: let's make it official! Let's tell everyone I'm your girlfriend and you - my boyfriend!"

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