Chapter 16

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Hinata's POV

I haven't even realized we were in front of the main door. Naruto and I immediately let go of each other. I wanted to explain it wasn't what it looked like was exactly what it looked like. We were about to kiss. OH MY GOD! I was going to kiss Naruto? Oh, come on Hinata, you just broke up with Kiba! You can't do that! It was like I was on autopilot like my body was moving on its own. But I would lie if I say that my mind didn't want it too. Dammit, get a grip, girl!

While I was standing there internally lecturing myself Minato and Kushina had approached us and had given Naruto a hug. I realized that when Kushina squeezed me and when she let go of me she said:

"Hinata, I haven't seen you in so long! You were just a baby back then and look at yourself now! You became a beautiful young woman! You remind me of your mo-" Then she stopped. And hugged me again. "I am so sorry, dear!"

"It's- it's fine." Was what I managed to say. Normally when someone mentions my mother I don't get very emotional, I kinda got used to people offering their condolences to me and my family. It was really hard to hold back my tears at first but you get used to that too. The fact I couldn't realize my mom has passed away and that I didn't try to do so made it somehow easier.

"You're staying for dinner, right?" Kushina asked.

"Actually, um... I was just about to leave now and, father would be worried...yeah!?" I should've put more confidence in this sentence 'cause now, now it sounded like a question. And of course, the three of them looked at me with a smirk saying 'Yeah, sure, you were just about to leave!'.

"I'm sure Hiashi would love your outfit." Naruto's mother smirked. I looked down and saw I'm still in her son's clothes. In front of her. Great.

"Uh, yeah...I um...I just..." I stuttered. "I-i-it is not what it looks like." I tried to explain.

"Oh." Minato joined the conversation. "But what does it look like?" I'm sure I need a new pair of underwear. Also, a new face because this one got so red I would not be able to use it anymore.

They started laughing. All of them. While I was standing there ready to cry because of how embarrassed I was.

"Sorry for messing with you, Hinata." Minato apologized to me. "I'll call Hiashi if you want but you're staying for dinner. There's something we need to talk about. I haven't heard from your father in a while. Maybe we should go out sometime soon."

I peed. I peed in my pants. Correction, in Naruto's pants. So, let's summarize what happened so far. I went to a party, I got drunk, I danced (still drunk) on the kitchen bar plot for everyone to see, my 'boyfriend' tried to rape me after I confronted him for trying to assault my best friend, who didn't even tell me this happened, I got saved by the guy I thought I hate and I thought was lying about my boyfriend's previous actions. Then I slept with him (Naruto), cooked with him, played Hide-and-seek with him in his mansion-like home. Oh yeah, let's not forget we almost kissed. In front of his parents. Plus, now I got invited to stay for dinner by them and the Minato Namikaze, the owner of 'Yellow Flash Records' music company, wants to talk with me about something. Correction, I definitely pooped.

I couldn't give him an actual answer so I just instinctively nodded.

"Great! Hinata is staying, dattebane!" Kushina exclaimed and clapped her hands together. "Now, let me lend you some clothes so it doesn't look like what it looks like." She winked at me and I nodded still in loss of words. She took my hand and dragged me through the corridors. We entered a room I assumed was Minato and hers' bedroom. "Now" She said opening the big double doored entry to her closet which was practically another room. "You can take whatever you want from here. If you need help just tell me, I'll be waiting here." She smiled supportively. I was still a little embarrassed but managed to thank her and smile back.

I entered the closet and my jaw dropped. I could see that even half of this 'room' was worth more than me. I took the white pair of sweatpants and a strapless bra that would look good with them. To cover my upper body, I took an oversized dute plaid shirt.

"I think I'm ready." I said exiting the closet holding the clothes I chose.

She looked at me expectantly. "Oh, pardon my manners, do you want me to show you where you can change." She offered.

"Yes, please."

"Why do we sound so formal, it's not like we're on a business lunch or something. Relax." Then she took me to one of the guest rooms. The corridor looked somehow familiar but maybe it was just my imagination. "I'll leave you for now. When you're done you can come downstairs, I'll probably be in the kitchen. If not, I'm in the living room." She explained with a grin then walked away.

"Thank you!" I called after her.

"No probs!"

When I got ready I exited the guest room, my head down checking out my outfit. Thank god all my belongings were moved to the room otherwise I was going to be braless. Ordinarily, I wouldn't care but I'm in one of the most important faces in the music industry's house so yeah. Then I made the mistake to look up. I knew this damn hall was way too familiar and now I know why. The room opposite mine was Naruto's. It was opened. And right now he was taking off his oversized T-shirt revealing his muscular body. Fortunately, he wasn't looking at me so I took another moment to stare at his perfect abs and arms, and...damn he is fine as fuck. I have to look away. But I can't.

"You are drooling, princess." Naruto teased not bothering to look my way. Then he took a hoodie from his closet, put it on, and exited facing me. His eyes went up and down on me, checking me out. And I loved every moment of it. I also expected to see him smirking while he teases me but he turned and walked away. The audacity. You can't just check me out and say nothing!

"What?" I murmured confused.

"Don't take it personally, Hinata." Again, no nickname, no game, no nothing! "Today I just don't feel like doing anything." He stopped and turned to face me, checked me out again, then added. "Except you, I'd do you." After that, he continued walking. There he goes, just how I like it. Only if I could respond like I want to, it would sound like this: 'Picturing you naked was the most productive thing I've done all day.' Or 'Does me wanting to fuck you make this awkward?'.

"About earlier..." I responded instead and ran to catch up to him. "I...Do you think it was for the best? You know, that we got interrupted..."

"I want to know what you think first." His face staying expressionless.

"I asked first." I protested.

"Then" He took a pause. "We both won't get our answers."

"Iguess we won't!" We both shut up and walked in silence.


It's 4 a.m. and I'm freaking done. Originally this was going to be a pre-schedule thank you chapter for 2K BUT it happened to be 3161 words and I had to split it in two :)

I love you all! I am beyond grateful that you give my story a chance and that you support me and the fanfiction by commenting, voting, or last but not least - reading and keep coming back when I upload new parts. I simply adore you <3

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