Chapter 20

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Naruto's POV

"Are the rest here?" My mom asked for like the hundredth time now.

"No, they'll come for dinner. It's still lunchtime, mom! We haven't even been to the studio yet." I got up off the couch and went to my room to get ready. Today we didn't have the last few classes because the teachers had a meeting and they let us go home earlier.

'Ready to go finish our first song, princess!??!'

'You'll come pick me up like we planned, right?'

'I prefer letting you go on foot'

'Great, now more guys can appreciate the outfit I made with the new mini skirt I got myself from the mall. <3'

'Istg you'll be the death of me'

'I really like you too'

'I'll be there in fifteen'

'See ya'

I picked Hinata from her house and drove to the studio. It has been the best one month of my life since Hinata and I got together. We see each other almost every day but we sure keep our distance in public. The thing I love about us is that we are able to not talk to each other for days and still be okay after that. Maybe this is what Hinata meant when she shared that she doesn't want to be my or anyone's girlfriend. At first I was kind of offended/hurt to hear that but she had her reason to say what she said and I respect that.

To think about all that happened in that one month with her is crazy, it feels surreal. We had so much study dates, too much in my opinion, then we would usually watch anime or play video games. One time I picked her up at 2am and taught her how to ride a skateboard because the other day she mentioned she really wanted to try. We had a few photoshoots for upcoming issues of some magazines that wrote about new rising stars and stuff like that. We even wrote a song which is coming out on the last day of school.

The only thing that's kind of annoying/concerning me about Hinata's behaviour is that whenever I talk about our summer and future at all she would just back off and feel uncomfortable. Of course, I noticed that and stopped bringing up this topic.

"We need you this weekend to film the video for the song." Yadachi stated instead of greeting us when we entered the recording room. "The idea for the clip is the following: the girl – Hinata, meets the boy – Naruto at a masquerade ball. Hinata will be dressed up as an angel as it's mentioned in the song and Naruto will follow you around trying to impress you. At the end when he successfully caught your attention you'll look up at the sky and back at him. You'll kiss his cheek softly and then you'll disappear because you're an actual angel. When you're gone Naruto will forget all about you and as he goes on with his life and return back to the ball the sky would either start to rain or there would be just one raindrop that will fall which will represent your tear/tears."

"A bit dramatic, isn't it?" Hinata chuckled and turned to me staring right into my eyes. "But I like it." She looked back at Yadachi and smiled.

We did the final touches on the song. It's called 'Beautiful' and it wouldn't be a fact now if it wasn't for Mr. Norimara, his writing team, and Hinata of course. She took a huge part in the making of the chorus.

We were done with the recording very early and that left us some spare time just for us. From the adults the only ones that knew about our relationship were Yadachi and his team. Hinata and I decided that it would be best to not tell our parents (It was her decision but I accepted it) until the right time comes. As she said 'We don't need anyone else in it as long as you and I know we like each other and are happy together.'.

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