Chapter 15

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Dedicated to xalixex. Thank you for staying awake to read the new chapter. You inspire and motivate me so much! This one's for you, hope you like it <3

Naruto's POV

Hinata was still sleeping in my arms when I woke up. I gently pushed her aside and got up. There were still some drunk people in my house laying either on the couches or on the floor. It was still six o'clock so after they were gone I got some time to clean up. Thank God I locked all the guest rooms before the party began or I would have to deal with the couples that decided to get private.

"Ouch!" Hinata said when she woke up holding her head with one hand and sat up in my bed.

"There's a painkiller and water on the nightstand beside you." I informed her. I was leaning on the door frame of the bathroom with crossed arms.

"Thank you!" She replied with a sleepy voice. "What's the time?"

"7:30." I answered and her eyes widened.

"Kuso, we're gonna be late! It's Tuesday, right? Wait, I don't have clothes here, I should go home first but that would take too much time, chikusho!" She jumped out of the bed murmuring to herself but was way too weak and dropped on the floor.

"Whoa, take it easy, princess!" I helped her to get up on her feet. "We're not going to school today, I already called granny Tsunade to tell her you're feeling a little sick and I just don't want to go." I explained.


"It's spelled 'Thank you'." I corrected her.

"No, you really are an idiot! How would you know I'm sick if I'm home and you're at your place? Now I have to tell her I was at a party at your house and I drank too much and slept with you." I laughed. "I mean slept in your home." She then added.

"Relax, she didn't ask any questions. Granny knows exactly what's going on tho."

"This doesn't help."

"Come on, we have a lot to do today. But first, you should really take a shower, ttebayo." I wrinkled my nose.

"I don't stink!"

"You do, you smell like alcohol."

"Don't be such a pussy, you put that in your body every time there's a party, don't you, foxy." She came closer to me.

"I don't drink." I almost fully closed the gap between us. "Princess." And we stood like that staring into each other's eyes. "Enjoying the view?" I teased her raising a brow not breaking the eye contact.

"Not as much as you." Hinata responded with attitude. "However, I now am going to go freshen up." She entered the bathroom and closed the door. I knocked on the door after following her. "Get gone!" She shouted.

"Don't you need a towel? And another shampoo or you want to carry my scent with you?"

Hinata then opened the door a crack and showed only her head. "What're you waiting for? Bring me the things I need!" She bossed.

"The magic word?"

"Hinata slash princess. Now go, foxy."

"Fine fine." I exited my room and got the needed things from the nearby guest rooms. After I came back and handed her the things I headed for the kitchen.

Hinata's POV

I was very grateful that Naruto was thoughtful enough to bring me everything I needed including a brand new toothbrush. When I was done I peeked through the door to see if it was safe for me to come out. Naruto wasn't there so I got out of the bathroom and dressed up. I could've done it in the bathroom but I'm not used to it so I took advantage of the fact he wasn't here. I was all ready after a few minutes. What should I do now? Wait for Naruto to come back...or go find him myself. I decided I was going to explore. I then opened the door to exit the room and a little folded note fell in my feet. It said 'Did someone say Taco Tuesday? (you'll find me on the stage \I may or may not expect a personal show from you tho\ <3) Love, foxy'. Great, Naruto is in the kitchen, I'm starving.

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