Weekend Getaway

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"I'm in love," I whispered, eyeing the beautiful ocean. I was so happy that Jungkook suggested this trip, I needed a getaway vacay. "Who Wonwoo?" He laughed beside me, wrapped up in Yugyeoms arms. I kick his shin and give him the dirtiest look.

"No, not Wonwoo. The view dumbass."

He winces in pain, rubbing his leg. Yugyeom just laughs at the whole situation, rubbing his hands through Jungkook's hair. "Leave her alone."

"Also, I forgot to mention something to you. He and some of his friends will be joining us." Jungkook said quickly, my smile immediately dropped and I look over, ready to kill his scrawny self. "Please don't hurt me! I beg you!" He whines, embracing himself for the impact that was about to come.

I pulled my arm back to punch him in the arm, but I just gave up and let it fall back in the sand. I can never win. "Why do you hate me?"

"I don't, I love you. And if I thought it wasn't a good idea, I wouldn't have invited him. Truthfully he was the one that denied my invite, but when I was making reservations for the cabin. I message him and asked if he changed his mind, and you know, he did." Kookie finished with a shrug, but I only sighed.

"What friends though?"

"Hey, guys!" I hear the man himself yell from behind us, making me quickly turn to see him slowly walking over towards us. Behind him were DK, Seri, Vernon, and Seungkwan which were awkwardly following Wonwoo. He immediately smiled when he saw me.

We all stand up to greet the men, Wonwoo gave me a hug first. It was weird, but I didn't hate it, DK stood still holding Seri's hand while the other two came to hug me as well.

"You look so pretty, Jamie," Seungkwan said hugging me gently. "Nice to see you again."

"Hey guys, it's been a while." I say embracing them both. "When Woo said that we'd be hanging out with you this weekend, I was stoked," Vernon said letting me go. I only nod, not knowing if I should believe him or not.

"Seri," I greet her with a nod and she does the same. This was going to be a long weekend.

"What's up Jubs," Seokmin says trying to give me a high five. I scoff and push past him, bumping his shoulder. "What is up with her?"

"Dumbass," I hear Wonwoo say as he jogged up beside me. "I'm sorry, I told him to be nice."

"I don't fucking care, to be honest, lets just get this weekend over with." I sigh, running my hands through my hair. "You look very natural today," he comments. Following me to my car, I unlock it and grab my bags out of it.

"Calling me ugly?"

"No, I'm calling you beautiful." He says taking my bags out of my hand. "Let me help."

"Thanks," I mumble swinging my purse over my shoulder. Everyone gets their stuff and we head inside the cabin.

"So the rooms are upstairs. there's four, so um unless Seri and Jamie can share a room, DK and Wonwoo will room together." Jungkook says looking at me softly, I just walk away and head upstairs, I honestly wouldn't mind sharing with Seri. I'm just sleeping in the room unless she does something shady while I'm passed out. I totally forgot to get my bags, so I set my purse down and began to head back down. But I am met with Wonwoo and Seri both, "I'm sorry, I forgot to grab them." I apologize.

"It's alright," he chuckles out. He looks between me and the other girl and grins. "You girls behave." He pats my back and leaves. The room quickly filled up with this awkward atmosphere.

"Jamie," Seri finally spoke to me. I turn to look at her for a second before I continued to unpack. " I don't want us to have a bad weekend, Wonwoo has been looking forward to this and I don't want to ruin everyone's trip because we cant surpass our hatred for each other."

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