He's Sorry

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I finally got the strength to push him away, the balls this fucker has. "Don't touch me again." Bastard.

"Please listen to me, I regret everything I done back then. I was egotistical and was too worried about my appearance to actually see what was in front of me." Nonsense.

"And what was that?" I asked with crossed arms.

"The love of my life." I roll my eyes at him. "Hear me out." Full of shit is what he is. Can I hit him yet?

"Graduation day, I was looking for you. I was wanting to apologize, hoping you would forgive me." I know this. "But you disappeared." At the right time too apparently.

"Good thing I did huh?" I say sitting down on the bed. "I know why you're doing this now, because of the way i look today. I'm all hot now, you think it'll be easy and then you'll go back to your group and tell them all about it."

"What? Your weight had nothing to do with it, even back then i was in love with you. Just ask Mingyu." How dare he speak his name in front of me? He is full of bravery tonight huh?

I scoff, "I said nothing about my weight, that proves it did. For Mingyu's sake, he better not come near me either or I will bury you both in my back yard." I don't have a backyard, but he doesn't need to know that.

"You've gained a mouth since I last saw you," he says amused. I roll my eyes and gather my things once more. To understand the reason why I'm acting the way I am, means I'd have to go back to pre-school. To the day Wonwoo first moved into my neighborhood and that's a long story, saved for another day.

"I can't believe Jungkook convinced me to go through with this," I say to myself.

"Do you come to these appointments regularly?" I asked him, he was still eyeing my body. Which made me completely forget the attire I was in, no wonder he had such a hard on. He clears his throat and finally meets my eyes.

"Every now in then, when I need to relieve myself." He was honest, something I don't recognize from him.

"Can't keep a girlfriend or something?" I urge on as I sat in the chair at the small table in the corner of the room. Where was I going to go? Back home, where Jungkook and Yugyeom are shacking up? Fuck no, I'd be scarred for life.

"That's not it, I don't have time for girlfriends. What about you, no boyfriend?"

"That's none of your business," I say crossing my leg over the other. "You're asking about my life, why can't I ask about yours?" He says and I shrug.

"Because we're not friends, now I'd like it if you would leave."

"What?" Then he starts laughing, "you literally was about to walk out, now you're asking me to leave?" I didn't reply. "You can't make me, I paid just as much for the room. So i am staying."

"Then I'll sleep in my car."

"Stop," he says keeping me from standing up. "Do you not have anywhere to go?"

"I do, but my roommate has company tonight."

"Why can't you just spend the night with me, it isn't like we haven't slept in the same bed before. I'll be gone by morning." He says which makes me cringe. Here I am an adult and things still make me feel like a teen.

Our senior trip was to go camping, stranded, of course we had chaperones and teachers. But back then, we got away with too many things and I wish what happened that night stayed out of my mind.

The boys and girls had their own area, but the boys decided to tie up the teachers and sneak into our zone. I guess they thought they would get laid before graduation day. The couples got together and the rest drawn names, and of course, Wonwoo pulled mine. I cursed to the stars and beyond, I couldn't fight him on it.

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