how could you??

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This story will involve very VERY serious topics. Such as suicide, self harm, alcohol, drugs, abuse, smut (ish) etc. If these things bother you please do not read this.

I want you all to know I'm here for you!! your not alone, if you are struggling with things don't hesitate to ask for help, YOUR IMPORTANT. AND YOU MATTER.


I awake, as chills get sent down my back, to see my window wide open. What had happened? Why was my stuff strewn about on the floor? Oh. That's right, HE was here.


(The day before)

"you know, I really didn't want to do this today." George exclaims with a grogginess in his voice, Sitting on his couch with bags under his eyes

He hadn't gotten much sleep after what he had saw the night before.

"Because, you never heard the context of what had happened before you even saw the whole thing." A male replied. He was tall, with bronze eyes and long brown hair.

"I didn't need context, Oliver. It was clearly OBVIOUS what you guys were doing." George had said with clear anger starting to rise.

The Male had stopped and turned to George putting a hand on his waist, "George. I told you, we were just drinking and playing games, I hadn't had that much" He said with slight smile.

George was enraged. He pushed the males hand off of his waist and stood up, as the male followed.

"you DO NOT. get to pretend like this never fucking happened. OLIVER YOU PROMISED." The brunette said as he slightly pushed the male in frustration. 

 Oliver was a raging alcoholic. At the start of their relationship George found it hard to realize what Oliver had going on with his addiction, but after months is all ended up getting worse, leaving George alone on Friday nights crying his eyes out wondering why the male had yelled at him and left to go to a party, leaving him in the dust. Oliver was abusive, but only when he was hammered, he would push and threaten to hurt the brunette, then claim he had heard nothing of the sort make its way out of his mouth. 

"George." He replied scoffing, "It was just a BEER. it isn't that bad, your over dramatic." He said as he folded his arms looking down at the small male, who was about to burst.

George was furious, he could feel his hands curling into a fist, blood curdling. "NO. YOU DON'T GET TO TELL ME THAT." He yelled pushing the male even harder, "YOU CAN'T JUST FUCKING TREAT ME LIKE A DOG. YOU NEVER NEED ME UNLESS YOU WANT TO FUCK ME. I'M NOT GOING TO SIT HERE AND WAIT HELPLESSLY UNTIL WANT TO USE ME FOR YOUR SELFISH NEEDS." The brunette was now crying, fists balled, looking straight up at the tower in front of him.

Oliver had now seen how mad the smaller one was, and decided he had enough of the "attitude" he was giving. Oliver had then grabbed the oldest by his throat, grabbing his wrist. "Don't you fucking talk to me that way, George. You may think I'd never hurt you, but your testing me." He said still gripping onto George's wrist harder by each second that passed. 

George could feel fear starting to form in a pit in his stomach. He didn't think Oliver would even dare touch him like that. He was afraid. Afraid that he may be beaten senseless any minute, regardless he wasn't going to let the taller male get his way, he wanted to fight for his freedom away from this mess in front of him. 

The brunette struggled getting his wrist out of the taller ones grasp, he scrambled backwards with fear in his eyes, ready to take his phone out any moment.

"S-Stop it.. stop. don't f- fucking touch me that way.." He said trembling, trying to be fearsome.

Oliver had smirked, knowing he had power over the small figure in front of him. He inched closer to George, hand starting to ball up into a fist.

George knew he was about ready to throw a punch at him, he backed into the kitchen counter, knowing there would be something he could use to defend himself. The brunette grabbed a kitchen knife, shakily holding it in two hands. "s-step away from me Oliver. right now. or i will call the police." He could feel himself shutting down, under this pressure he didn't know how to react, he wanted so badly to run, but where? His apartment door was just a bit away, but he knew the taller boy was faster and could catch him within moments. Like a fox, stalking a helpless rabbit.

Oliver knew what would happen if he had hurt George beyond repair, so he had decided to back up a bit, letting the brunette stand his ground. "fine. georgie. You fucking pussy" he scoffed folding his arms and starting to turn around, "Your nothing without me. I know you'll be begging me to come over sooner or later." He said, as he started towards the door, grabbing his coat. George could feel himself un-tense, watching carefully as the male walked out the door, he followed behind to lock it as soon as Oliver was out of his home. 

Right before the door was fully closed, Oliver opened it putting a hand on Georges,"You'll never forget about me. I'm all you have." He said as he squeezed Georges hand then yanked on his hair. He had walked to his car, with an evil smirk on his face.

George couldn't believe what had happened. He slammed the door locking it with shaky hands, He crumbled up against the door, slowly sliding down as tears became pouring down his pale cheeks. He wanted to feel as if he had power, but he didn't. That was the first time Oliver has ever really threatened to hurt him, and practically DID. 

As his world started to crumble around him, he watched as everything started feeling the way they did before he met the boy.

very barren, very hopeless.


(Present day)

He had slept with him. He sighed as he closed the window, starting to pick up all the things that had been broken and throw on the floor. His chair, his flower pots and decorations in his room, on the floor and either broken or nearly broken. 

He stumbled into the bathroom surprised at what he saw. He had bruises down his neck and on his arms. The male had hurt him, a lot. "oh my god..." he muttered under his breath. He winced as he rubbed his neck, trying to remember what had happened. He drank a lot the day before.

The brunette wasn't the type to drink at all, it scared him, he didn't like seeing people he loved getting caught up in something so addictive, then leaving him, like they always did. too late for that, right?  He had never wanted anything to do with the stuff because of what he went through at home, He was generally a good person, he wanted to stay safe, and he wanted the people he loved to be safe. He could feel a headache forming from all the alcohol he had consumed, trying to ease the pain the taller one brought apon him the day he threatened to hurt him.

The brunette washed his face, letting warm water run down hi cheeks eased the pain he felt from crying and wiping all the tears away with his rough sweatshirt sleeve. 

He wanted to remember what exactly had happened, George didn't know why Oliver was in his house at the first place, or why he allowed the male to have sex with him. Maybe he DIDN'T allow him too. Oh, right.

jenny // DreamNotFoundWhere stories live. Discover now