I'm right out here if you need me

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George had woken up to a familiar hand on his. He opened his eyes to see the tall blonde crouched on the floor towering over him. "George, your about to oversleep, it's 10! we gotta go your appointment is in 4 minutes!" Clay said in a hushed whisper, as to not disturb the small boy too much. George had opened his eyes and moved a bit, then sitting up, "Oh.. it is..? I'm sorry" He said rubbing his eyes. The blonde then stood back up and laughed,"It's okay, George, I'll be waiting out there for you, take your time!" He said as he walked out of the door, closing it behind him.

After George got ready finally he caught a whiff of his hair, it too now smelled like lavender, it was a wonderful smell. He grabbed his phone and wallet then stumbled out of his room and down the hall to see Clay sitting on his couch, legs crossed, on his phone. He noticed the brit walk in the room and looked up smiling. "You ready??" He said. "Yes.. i am" George said with a nervous smile, rubbing the back of his neck. He was NOT ready. But he had to do this for Bad.

"great! your gonna do fine!" Clay said as they walked at the door and into the car. They drove in the beautiful city for a bit, until they reached an office in a parking lot with many other random buildings. They had gotten out and started towards the door, George could feel knots forming in his chest, He didn't want to walk in that door. But before he had the chance to ask to go back Clay had opened the door and greeted the lady at the front desk. shit.. . He followed behind the tall male, unsure of being there. He stood behind the blonde basically hiding. "We have an appointment for George?" Clay said with a nervous laugh as he looked behind to see George slightly close to him

He could tell the smaller one was afraid. But he wasn't going to let him bail, it wasn't his choice. As the lady got up to lead George to his room, Clay placed a hand gently on his,"It's going to be okay, George. I'm right out here if you need me." He said with a smile as he let go of the boys hand.

What? He thought, Why did he care so much about him? He was so nice, But he doesn't even know me that well? George had nodded and then walked with the lady turning back one last time to meet the blondes eyes before he turned a corner, disappearing from the boys sight. 

He followed behind the lady, She was just slightly shorter than him, with short straight black hair, she had winged eyeliner, and very comfortable, but presentable clothing on. She led him into the room and showed him a seat, "Sit anywhere, I want you to feel comfortable" She said with a smile, as she sat down and waited for the male to sit and adjust himself. 

She introduced herself, Her name was Claire, she was a kind woman, seemed to be around his age. She started small talk with him eventually prying him open, just enough to know who Oliver was. "So, how long has Oliver been in your life?" She said looking back up from her notes, folding her hands and smiling" He sighed, "I.. guess a year or two.. we weren't friends for too long, it was a sudden relationship.. that lasted longer than it should've" He said looking to the side. "I see. and how many times has he put his hands on you, when it wasn't consensual, or in a good way?" she said

George knew he would be telling her unspeakable things. He didn't want to burden the poor woman. "A lot... towards the end.. he would.. leave bruises and such.." He said, as his throat started to close up. He wanted a familiar face to be there, he felt trapped. It wasn't her fault, she was just trying to help. " I see, and, where is he now? Are you safe?" He took a deep breath, he remembered Clay was out there, he sat for a second thinking. " He's down in England, and yes.. I'm safe.. We aren't together anymore.. Or at least i'm going to tell him that soon." Shit. He realized he had Oliver on mute since he left, The male had probably been blowing up his phone wondering why he'd been gone for more than he said. 

She looked up at him and could see the worry he suddenly had. "Okay, that's good. I'm proud of you for coming here, your very strong for that. I want you to know you aren't alone, and I am not here to hurt you." She reassured writing things down then looking up at him. He smiled nervously. "Wow. Somebody actually generally cares? This is her job, but it feels like somebody generally cares about me" He thought.

jenny // DreamNotFoundWhere stories live. Discover now