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The last they yesterday they just trained as normal, blended in. Today are the individual gradings and everyone is standing lined up in front of the training centre. Olivia goes first of the three musketeers. She walks inside and sees the game makers looking at her. She walks over to the knifes, picks them up and climbs to the ceiling. The game makers seem interested in whatever she has in mind.

She drops to the floor, throwing a knife in her fall, she hits the centre of the dummy, she lands perfectly and throws the other four knifes as well, all of them hitting perfectly in the centre. The game makers look eyes widened at her and she turns to face them. She smiles before walking off. Hopefully that was enough

Moments later she sits in the sofa on her floor with Aaron and their team while watching the scores. The careers score 9 and 10 and the rest lower. Then the scores of nine come along. Caesar starts off. "Aaron Hyle district nine... 8." Everyone starts clapping and cheering, that's really good.

"Olivia Blake, district nine..." everyone has gone silent again. "11." Caesar says making everyone jump up. They all cheer and smile. Aaron and Olivia hug each other, Olivia has the highest score with Katniss and Peeta scored like Aaron an 8.


It's the next day, tomorrow they will all enter the arena but tonight are the interviews. The whole day they make themselves ready for them and Brian gives Olivia a beautiful dress. She changes into it and looks at herself in the mirror. Let the interviews begin!

They all walk up to the stage and sit down on the background

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They all walk up to the stage and sit down on the background. Caesar gets every one of them next to him in their own time. It's Olivia's turn. "And now from district nine, someone who scored an eleven! Olivia Blake." Caesar announced, she walks up to him but keeps her face straight. She sits down. "So tell me Olivia, how did you do it?" He asks smiling.

"I guess it's just all technique and a lot of training." She replies, it wasn't even a lie. It's all true.

"You surprised all of us with your score and the fearless expressions on your face, aren't you a slightest bit worried?" Caesar asks.

"I think everyone is a little bit scared, we're all human and it would be weird if we went into an arena knowing blood will be spilled all happy." Olivia replies making everyone laugh again.

"But we all wish you the best of luck, you must be a strong fighter." Caesar says smiling.

"I don't know if I'm strong, I just know that I'm quick which is something to keep track off. I won't say it's true but sometimes being smart and quick is better then just strong." She replies.

The buzzer sounds, which means the end of her round. "Well good luck Olivia!" Caesar says, she stands up, and walks back to her place. The other tributes continue and lastly "Peeta Mellark! From district twelve!" Caesar says. Olivia smiles softly.

Peeta sits down and they talk a bit about showers. Peeta is a really funny guy actually. "Now tell us Peeta, there must be a special girl at home right?" Caesar asks smiling.

"No not really." Peeta replies simply.

"Ow come on, I don't believe you, look at yourself, such a handsome men like you must have someone special in his life, maybe a crush?" Caesar asks.

"Well there's this one girl, I met her not that long ago but it feels right whenever she's around, you know. Like she was ment to be there all along." Peeta says making the crowd melt. "I just don't think she actually notices me." He adds.

"Well listen, you go out there, win the games and then she must go out with you when you come back home, right folks?" Caesar asks and everyone cheers.

Peeta chuckles. "That's the problem, winning wouldn't help me at all." Peeta says making everyone confused.

"And why not?" Caesar asks softly.

"Because she didn't come from my district and I met her here." Peeta replies softly. Everyone gasps.

"Who is this person then?" Caesar asks thrown away.

The buzzer sounds right before Peeta could answer. Everyone walks off and goes to their own teams. Olivia couldn't get him out of her head, he likes someone... someone she doesn't know about. They go back to their floor and Olivia disappears in her room. She sits on her bed thinking.

Someone knocks on her door. It opens to reveal Aaron standing there. "May I?" He asks, she nods. Aaron walks inside and closes the door behind him. "I may or may not call you a friend now, and friends look out for each other so, how do you feel?" He asks

"What do you mean?" She replies confused. He chuckles and shakes his head softly.

"Come on Liv, I've seen you looking at Peeta when he entered the stage, I've seen you're face drop when he told the capitol about his crush... you wish it were you, don't you?" Aaron asks smiling.

"Am I that transparant?" She asks back. He nods. "I didn't want to... you know it just kinda happened. Aaron there is no way I can kill him in the games, there's no way I make it out alive." She replies.

"Hey hey, there is a way, we are team loser remember, the losers that weren't the biggest losers. Listen, we're going out there and fight... and if we die, we die fighting." Aaron says. Olivia nods.


"What was that Peeta?" Effie cries out when they walk off the stage. "You're in love with someone?"

"I hope that was an act young men, whoever it is, she can't be that special to just sacrifice yourself." Haymitch replies angrily.

"I didn't do anything wrong okay? I just wanted to let it all out before I die!" Peeta replies walking away.

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